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Meeting with Birdie, brand of natural supplements

Birdie is the little sister of D-LAB and Claude Aphrodisiacs. These three brands of organic and natural supplements were born thanks to Fleur Phelipeau, a great enthusiast of micronutrition. In addition to the power of a healthy diet and lifestyle, Fleur believes in the power of nutricosmetics (nutrition and cosmetics) which for her comes to boost the beauty of the interior. Healthy and luminous skin, shiny and supple hair, an always good mood… The Birdie brand of supplements accompanies you every day to help you always feel on top!

Meeting with Birdie, brand of natural supplements

Above all, introduce yourself and your brand

“Growing up in the Célestins media-spa in Vichy, I was always aware that beauty and health were intimately connected, and that they came from within. In fact, I am passionate about food supplements . This is what I call ultra-nutrition:for me, they are like a basket of fruits bursting with herbal medicine, vitamins and antioxidants. It is to them that I have dedicated my entire professional life, since I left school and it will not stop there:there is so much to do so that everyone can choose to supplement their diet naturally. everyday with healthy, clean, and powerful active ingredients . Innovation is underway with cultivation and extraction techniques that allow real efficiency to be deployed. Birdie is my way of making food supplements delicious. Powders, elixirs, gummies:we take advantage of the best of nature that we mischievously and impertinently slip into our daily lives, remembering that life is a superpower that we must take care of. “

What is your definition of female beauty?

”A healthy body in a healthy mind, quite simply. To be healthy is to be beautiful, by definition! What is beautiful skin? Healthy skin. What is beautiful hair? Healthy hair. They are shiny, strong, soft, they do not fall off or become thinner. It is also to feel in great shape as soon as you wake up, it is to have smoothed features when you have slept like a baby, it is the joy of living. “

Who is your female role model and why?

"My mother. She taught me never to conform, never to think it would be easy, to choose the unexpected solutions that are all the spice of life. Of course, sometimes you had to be a docile warrior and a quiet amazon. Laugh, but not too loudly. Together, we gradually freed ourselves from these diktats to let our personalities guide us. This is also why she naturally became the face of the brand. I found a series of vintage photos she had taken at the end of the 70s where she perfectly embodies the message of freedom that Birdie advocates. Free yourself from the rules, with or without gentleness, in your own way. Just like these photos (including topless!!) which are authentic:without retouching and without filters.”

What is your favorite quote?

"God you looked pretty tonight on the phone." by Sacha Guitry Everyday poetry that resonates in my head like a tribute to inner beauty and that reminds me that to be beautiful is to feel at peace, to smile, to feel the vibrations that we receive and that we transmits. “

A message to all women?

”The brand slogan:Unlock your power. It means liberate yourself, find the natural power of your body and use it! To let this power express itself, you just have to cherish and trust yourself :)"

Meeting with Birdie, brand of natural supplements

What are the benefits of natural supplements?

Of course, food (or nutritional) supplements cannot replace a healthy and balanced diet ! They are there as a complement, to provide you with additional nutrients, vitamins or minerals. They can also help you supplement if you are deficient in iron or magnesium, for example. Today, there are food supplements on sale everywhere! Of course, to get the best from nature you have to choose them natural and organic . What's great about food supplements is that you can choose the taste, the benefits and the form:

  • powder, such as spirulina or maca
  • in capsules, such as D-LAB Omega 3-6-0 Absolute
  • in erasers, ideal for the youngest
  • or pipette!
The brand offers natural supplements in all forms to suit all preferences. The founder, Fleur, thought of men and women in search of inner well-being for outer beauty . Slimming, beauty of the skin and hair, well-being, peaceful night's sleep, the brand has everything you need!

Birdie supplements, the best of naturalness

With ingredients all rawer than each other, Birdie spoils you with nutrients and vitamins ! The formulas are made with plants like:

  • the poppy, for its sedative and soothing properties, perfect for a good night's sleep!
  • bamboo extract, which firms and tones the skin
  • nettle, to prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth
  • cocoa, for its softening properties
  • or even chlorella, for its purifying and detoxifying power.
There are also oilseeds such as carob seed, ideal for weight loss, or berries such as acai which gives hair strength and shine. Birdie is also nutrient supply that we all already have in us such as copper, zinc or vitamin C.

The brand accompanies you every day to help you feel your best thanks to natural supplements rich in nutrients. Remember that your skin reflects your inner state! So if you have dull skin or small imperfections, start by looking at your plate and your sleep time before rushing on conventional “miracle” creams. Our miracle formula at NUOO? Good nights sleep, a varied and balanced diet, sport, relaxation and natural food supplements to accompany us every day!

And you, what are your favorite supplements?