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Color hair with natural means

Color your hair safely and easily with natural means. Coloring hair with natural means whether you want to have brown, gray, blond or black hair is easier than you think. These products are also safe to use during pregnancy and also make your hair much more beautiful.

Coloring hair with natural means

Chemical hair dyes are often toxic and are not recommended during pregnancy. In contrast, vegetable dyes do not harm your hair, your scalp and your general health. They attach to the outside of the hair shaft and do not penetrate the inside of the hair. Pure, plant-based substances are generally among the most perfect cosmetics nature has to offer.

Natural dyes adapt to the individual hair color. They color the hair without affecting its inner structure. You can even safely say that the hair is not only colored, but also cared for immediately. Before coloring you can wash your hair first. With these 5 tips to wash your hair well, you can be sure that the color will catch on better.

Determining the correct suit

Determining the correct color combination and exposure time is highly dependent on the natural color and structure of the hair. Hair that has been previously treated with chemical dyes or has perm will react differently to natural dyes than hair that has been left undisturbed until now.

It is therefore advisable to first test the use of natural, vegetable dyes on a small tuft of hair. It is best to cut a tuft from the lower parts of the hair and tie it together firmly. This section of hair is then first washed to degrease it. Then apply the dye. This must act until the desired result is achieved. After washing, you should let the hair pluck dry well, because you can only judge the effect well on dry hair. In this way you can quickly and easily determine the reaction time required for your hair.

Apply natural hair dyes

Once you're actually going to apply the dye to the hair, you have to be careful not to color the scalp as well. To avoid coloring your hands, it's best to wear thin rubber gloves.
Pick up a section of hair each time and apply the dye with a wide brush. Don't forget an old towel to hang! Vegetable dyes not only color the hair and possibly the skin, but also your clothes.

Choosing the right hair color

Often women make the mistake of lightening their hair and leaving the eyebrows dark at the same time. If you have very dark eyebrows, you should also color them. A very fine make-up brush is used for this. Apply the same dye gently and evenly to the eyebrows. That way, the eyebrows no longer stand out against the hair in an unnatural way.

In order to be able to choose the right vegetable substance, you must first determine for yourself which natural color shade should be accentuated. With the powder of walnut shells, for example, you get a brown coloring. Henna produces a beautiful red. If you mix both colors, you get an attractive brown-red color. To find the right color scheme, always mix a small amount of food coloring first. You can try the effect on a small section of hair that has been cut off.

Walnut for beautiful brown hair

2-3 cups walnut shells  (depending on hair length)
1 dash vegetable oil
1 dash fruit vinegar

Pieces of walnut shell are available in pharmacies and herbal stores. The shells must be finely ground to a very fine powder. The amount depends on your hair length.

  • Mix the powder with the vegetable oil, vinegar and a little hot water to create a spreadable mass.
  • Let this paste soak for about 15  minutes. During that time, the water is almost completely absorbed.
  • Before using the paste, add some hot water to make it spreadable again.
  • Wash your hair and let it dry a little.
  • Then distribute the dye evenly over the hair with a brush. The best way to do that is by making a divorce. Apply and divide the dye, then the next separation, divide, etc.

When all the hair strands have been treated, put on an old plastic bath cap. Now let the dye set at an even temperature. Walnut shells cause intensive staining. That is why you have to strictly adhere to the exposure time required to achieve your desired effect. If you are  unsure of the required reaction time, you should check the color periodically.

After coloring the hair is washed again. To give the hair a nice shine, you can put a splash of fruit vinegar in the last rinse.

The walnut shell coloring gives dark brown hair a rich, deep brown color. The hair also becomes beautifully shiny and easy to style.

Color rinse with chamomile

1 to 3 cups chamomile blossom (depending on hair length)
1 dash lemon juice

  • Pour half a liter of hot water on the chamomile blossom and let the mixture simmer very gently for 20 minutes on a low heat.
  • Then pour the decoction through a sieve and add lemon juice.
  • After you have washed your hair thoroughly, rinse it in the chamomile dye.
  • The hair is not washed again afterwards.
  • The chamomile rinse can be done after every wash.

Blonde hair gets a natural shine. It also works well against dandruff, oily hair and minor inflammations of the scalp.

Red hair with henna

1 cup henna powder (red coloring)
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 egg yolk

The red coloring henna powder is available in herbal shops, some grocery stores and some pharmacies/pharmacies.
Henna dries out the hair slightly. The dye must therefore be applied using a gasket that also cares for the hair.

    • First you mix the henna powder with the egg yolk and vegetable oil.
    • Then add just as much hot water until a spreadable mixture is created.
    • The dye must, covered with, for example, a cloth, soak overnight.
    • Before use add a little hot water to the paste again, so that it becomes spreadable.
    • Wash the hair first and let it dry slightly.
    • Then you separate the hair a few times and apply the dye regularly with a wide brush.
    • Put a plastic bath cap on the head and wrap another towel around it, so that the heat is evenly distributed. This is very important for maximum results.
    • The exposure time must be adapted to the type of hair. It is therefore recommended in any case to first do a color test on a cut section of hair to prevent unwanted results.

The red colored henna gives dark brown hair a beautiful red shine. However, you have to be careful with light brown hair, because a not so nice effect can arise quite quickly, reminiscent of rust brown/red.

After the treatment, the hair should be washed thoroughly. With a repetition, it is sufficient to only treat the hair growth with henna. The previously colored parts of the hair will still have their red shine.

From experience I can say that coloring with henna is the most commonly used coloring method among Hindustani Surinamese. The result is impressive:they often have beautiful hair with a beautiful color.

NOTE:Once you have colored your hair with Henna, you cannot go back to chemical coloring so quickly. Henna provides a kind of varnish on your hair.

Cornflower rinse for gray hair

2 handfuls of cornflowers
1 splash of lemon juice

  • Place the dried cornflowers in a porcelain saucer and pour over half a liter of boiling water.
  • Cover with a cloth, let it steep for three hours.
  • Pour the decoction through a kitchen sieve and add the lemon juice.
  • The cornflowers give dull, gray hair a beautiful, light blue shine.
  • Allow the hair to dry a little after washing.
  • Then divide the rinse evenly over it.
  • The hair is not washed again afterwards.
  • The rinse can be used without any problem after every wash.

Taking good care of the hair after coloring is important to enjoy the new color for a long time. Especially in the summer it is important to take good care of the hair. I have listed the most important tips for taking care of your hair in the summer.

Have you ever colored your hair with natural means? How did you like that? Let me know in a comment below the article.