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Tips for storing, restoring and using makeup

Make-up and cosmetics indispensable for every woman. With these tips for storing, restoring and using makeup, you no longer have to throw away your broken lipstick or dry mascara. Thanks to the tips, your make-up will also last longer, so that you can get the maximum benefit from your cosmetics.

General makeup storage tips

Whether you have cheap or expensive makeup, if you want to enjoy your makeup for a long time, you need to store and store it properly.

Save :To put an end to bottles falling in drawers, you can take lids from cardboard boxes, in which you cut circles the size of the bottles. The vials are placed in the holes and the problem is solved. Another way is to store very small bottles in, for example, an empty box of cotton swabs or an egg carton.

Stuck caps If a cap is stuck on a glass bottle, pour some vegetable oil over it. Next, the bottle should be kept close to a heat source. Carefully tap the cap until it comes off.

Tassels Make-up brushes stay soft if they are washed occasionally with hair conditioner.

Pencils :eye and eyebrow pencils are easier to sharpen if they have been in the fridge for a while.

Cooling cosmetics : Always keep cosmetics such as facial toner and moisturizer in the fridge in hot weather.

Nail polish

Most women these days have a number of jars of nail polish at home. Unfortunately, nail polish is usually stored in the wrong place, which can cause it to dry out. Certainly the colors that are not used often will dry out sooner. To prevent nail polish from drying out, nail polish should be kept in the refrigerator. Maybe a strange place, but because of the temperature in the fridge, the nail polish will stay soft longer and not dry out.

Often people use a dash of nail polish remover to soften up hardened nail polish. However, that is not a good solution:nail polish remover is intended to remove nail polish. So if you mix this with the nail polish, this will affect the quality of the nail polish.

Once the nail polish has dried out, the following trick may help. Place the hardened nail polish in a bowl of warm water until it returns to its original consistency. It may be that this warm water bath has to be repeated a number of times before the desired result is achieved.


Also an item that most women do not want to miss. Many women have more than one at home/her handbag. No matter how much pleasure you can experience from a lipstick, the lipstick will eventually come to an end. To make the most of the last traces of lipstick, you can go into the almost empty tube with a brush and remove the remnants.

An empty lipstick tube does not have to be thrown away:rinse the empty tube with hot water and use it to store hairpins, for example.

Broken lipstick is one of the top annoyances for many women. Fortunately, you can make the lipstick again quite easily. Hold the two broken pieces of lipstick over a flame. These must be melted enough to be pressed back together. Just press together and you have a complete lipstick again.

Reactivate dry mascara

With a pipette, drop a few drops of water into an almost empty bottle of mascara. Stir the mixture well with the mascara brush. This way the dried out mascara becomes usable again and you don't have to throw it away.


Before you buy a large bottle of perfume, it is wise to first buy a sample bottle. This way you can find out whether the scent in question is indeed to your liking or whether you prefer a different scent. Instead of buying a small bottle, you can also inquire at the drugstore about a sample pack. Sample packs of various scents can also be requested free of charge on the internet.

Perfume should be stored in a cool and dark place. Exposure to light and heat will cause the perfume to spoil faster. Oily skin holds perfume better than dry skin. People who have dry skin can first rub their skin with vasline before using perfume.

If you like perfumed lingerie then do the following:cut a chamois into pieces and sprinkle these pieces with some perfume. Put the pieces in your drawer and your lingerie will always smell wonderful. Chamois leather retains the scent longer than, for example, a piece of cotton wool.

Perfume that you prefer not to wear can still be used to make a room smell nice. Sprinkle a cloth with a few drops of perfume and rub it over the (incandescent) lamp. Due to the heat, the perfume will slowly evaporate and make the room in question smell nice. A suitable space for this is, for example, the bathroom and/or toilet.

Repair broken eyeshadow and foundation powder

A trick that my daughter still uses and is suitable for all powder make-up. For this you need:

  • the broken eyeshadow, foundation powder…
  • disinfection alcohol (minimum 70%)
  • cling film (optional)

Crumble everything until it is completely in powder form. You put this powder in the box or compartment where it belongs. Add a few drops of rubbing alcohol and cover with the foil. Now you can press the whole thing well without getting your fingers dirty. The alcohol needs time to evaporate. Remove the foil and let your make-up dry overnight. After this, your make-up will be as good as new.

Do you have any tips for storing, restoring and using make-up? Let me know in a comment below this article.