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Natural makeup:7 tips for success

You have surely noticed it, even adopted it, the trend for a few years has been for Nude makeup . But despite what you might think, it's not so easy to look "natural with makeup on"!

Taking care of your skin, making the right choice of colors and applying the products well are the prerequisites for a nice result, but which remains discreet. Organic make-up from the Avril Cosmétiques brand can undoubtedly help you achieve the desired natural effect. We tell you all about how to proceed to obtain a natural look every day !

Natural makeup:7 tips for success

Pamper your skin to be beautiful in all circumstances

To achieve Nude makeup, the idea is to use a minimum of cosmetic products, which are as close as possible to your skin tone. And to avoid multiplying the layers of anti-blemish and concealer products, the best thing is to take care of your skin on a daily basis :she will pay you back!

That's why it's important to use cleansers and creams that match your skin type. It will only be more beautiful, especially if you opt for organic cosmetics that will not attack the fragile skin of your face. Remember, for example, to carry out regular gentle scrubs, to apply a moisturizer and to always remove your make-up. Some products, such as hydrosols, will also help you overcome a few minor problems, such as dilated pores or redness. Your face, clean and well hydrated , will then be ready to welcome the most beautiful natural make-up!

Take care of your complexion for a healthy glow

Wearing Nude makeup does not mean saying goodbye to all the products that can beautify your face. Contrary to the fashion of No Make Up, this is about using cosmetics with a light and natural texture, and it starts with the complexion.

Depending on your skin type and the small problems you face, you can therefore count on different types of products. We think for example of the complexion corrector , which hides imperfections without giving the impression of forming a “layer” on the face. The BB cream is another star product for natural-looking makeup:it plays the role of concealer, moisturizer and foundation , while providing lightweight coverage. Some brands are also surfing on the Nude trend in their range of foundations. Avril Cosmétiques is one of them and offers textures and tones that illuminate the face leaving it with its natural appearance. Discover our 5 reasons to fall for the Avril Cosmétiques brand when choosing your foundation.

Also remember to use the right methods to apply the product:with your fingers for the BB cream and possibly with accessories for the foundation, depending on its texture.

Choose the tones according to your face and the season

Who says Nude does not necessarily say flesh color or tones that are a little too dull. Natural makeup goes very well with a whole range of colors, provided they are not too flashy and that they stay in tune with your complexion, the color of your eyes and your hair.

On the blush side, it is therefore possible to opt for a golden beige, ivory, peach or slightly pink shade , without however falling into too pronounced pink or red. The choice of shade depends mainly on the color of your skin and the foundation applied beforehand. Find our tips for choosing the right shade of foundation.

The choice of shades for the eyelids also remains wide enough to achieve natural makeup. The Smoky Eye palettes are of course to be avoided, but why not opt ​​for a copper, pinkish beige or taupe eyeshadow ? On the other hand, avoid bright colors and too bright eyeshadows, which will break the natural side of the makeup. Anyway, you will find at each makeup brand a shadow or a palette that will help you naturally sublimate your eyes.

And for the mouth, the advice remains the same:no candy pink, plum or glamorous red, but nude shades. A simple hydrating and plumping balm can also do the job very well, just like a gloss that will illuminate your lips without coloring them too much.

Make up your eyes without excess

Beyond the choice of color, it is also the techniques and the quantities of make-up that will allow you to keep a natural look. Thus, an imposing line of black eyeliner or very marked colors will clearly not be the best option.

But a few tips can intensify and illuminate your look even with nude shades:in the corner of the eye, apply a lighter color than on the entire lid and use a darker shade for the crease of the lid. And of course, bring a blending brush for a blended, more natural look. A line of pencil in the mucous membrane, in a natural color, can complement eye makeup.

Magnify your eyelashes and eyebrows

The eyes and the entire face are also highlighted by the make-up and the care given to the eyelashes and eyebrows. For a beautiful look without using too much makeup, you can regularly and carefully apply castor oil to your eyelashes . They will only be stronger and more provided. You will find this oil in particular in the Avril Cosmétiques range, which offers a certified organic product.

This should not prevent you from applying a layer of mascara, to enlarge the look. The black mascara is perfectly suitable, provided you avoid “false eyelash effect” products. If you have particularly fair skin, brown mascaras are also a good option for a natural make-up.

Do not neglect the eyebrows, which also have the right to their makeup! The idea being always to keep a natural effect, you can simply brush them with a suitable comb . If they are sparse or too light, an eyebrow pencil closer to their initial color can also be a good idea.

Enhance your mouth with ease

If you have made a natural but sophisticated eye makeup, it is better to stay sober on the makeup of the lips. A sheer balm or highlighter will give them more light, without making them stand out too much. And very often, these lipsticks have a moisturizing function, to pamper your lips at the same time!

However, the color is not banned, provided you choose it well according to your skin tone. As to whether to favor matte or shiny complexions , it depends on your desires and the style you want to wear!

Finally, consider integrating the lip liner to your makeup bag. It comes in many shades, even the most natural. It is perfect for a Nude look, as it allows you to define the contour of the lips or to draw a pretty matte mouth.

Don't forget the nails

We often hear about Nude makeup for the face, but the nails can also be enhanced while keeping a natural look! Here, there is no question of false nails and Nail Art, but the field of possibilities remains wide.

A transparent and protective varnish can very well sublimate dull nails for example. If you want to add a touch of color instead, many shades are available for a natural look, around colors like beige or pink. As an alternative to the traditional French Manicure, you can also choose to do an ombre manicure , which will bring a little more originality, without too much artifice.

Now that Nude makeup has no more secrets for you, you will be jealous! What could be more attractive than a woman who looks good, has intense eyes and beautiful lips, while looking natural?