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Boost hair growth with natural care

Ah our hair... We love it, we adore it, but we are rarely satisfied with it, right? Between those who would like to boost their hair growth , those who would like to slow down their fall and those who would like them more voluminous and silky, we have not finished giving you our hair advice!

Moreover, today we have concocted an article on the subject:we are talking about how to boost hair growth naturally! For that, we asked Julie, our beauty expert and co-founder of NUOO, to give us her tips and advice to accelerate hair growth. Julie talks to us about a natural hair routine, but also about gestures and food supplements to boost hair growth. Take out your notebooks, let's go!

How to boost hair growth naturally?

Nothing better than a good hair routine to accelerate hair growth. When you use the right products correctly, you can indeed work miracles! With a hair routine that suits the type of hair, you can regain volume , accelerate hair growth, limit hair loss, have healthy and shinier hair. In short, no more fine, porous and sparse hair!

What is a good hair routine?

Well, it's an in &out routine as we like to say at NUOO! For the "in", we mainly talk about food supplements , but also a balanced diet and a good supply of water. In short, what acts inside.

For the "out", we are talking about shampoos, conditioners, masks and lotions, but also combs, brushes... All products that act on the outside! In the end, the "in" and the "out" offer a complete and adapted action since, depending on the care, we can target different needs.

To increase the speed of hair growth , Julie therefore advises us to set up an action plan in two phases:

  • An internal phase, with supplements that boost hair growth and limit hair loss.
  • An external phase, with natural products and simple but effective gestures.
Boost hair growth with natural care

Which product to stimulate hair growth?

In Julie's hair routine, there are only organic treatments formulated with natural active ingredients! What boost hair growth naturally, without damaging it. With these products, you are not promised a 5 cm growth per month (although if you have good genetics, it can work), but we assure you long, healthy hair, without split ends and with shinier lengths than ever!

Activate hair growth with every shampoo

First, Julie presents the different steps to perform with each shampoo to boost hair growth:

Brush to grow

To brush your hair , nothing better than a comb or a wooden brush, a material of natural origin that is more respectful of the hair and the skull! Brushing hair oxygenates the scalp and removes dead hair to make room for new hair.

NUOO tips :

  • If you have textured hair, comb it when damp to avoid the lion's mane effect!
  • If you use a brush, choose one with spikes to stimulate the scalp and accelerate hair growth!

Then you can apply the Màdara Boost Serum . This scalp serum contains caffeine, zinc, amino acids and chanterelle (mushroom). These ingredients boost hair growth, prevent hair loss, moisturize and protect it! To reinforce its action, Julie advises us to massage the scalp after application in order to make it penetrate correctly.

Brush to grow

Which shampoo to promote hair growth?

Regarding the shampoo, favor mild shampoos! For that, we say goodbye to sulphated foaming agents, which are much too aggressive for the skin. Yes, classic shampoos tend to strip the skull and hair too much. Result:dry, damaged and free-falling hair!

Among our favorite gentle shampoos:the Umaï Gentle Shampoo , in solid version, and the Gentle Propolia Shampoo , in liquid version.

A little advice from NUOO:to shampoo correctly, apply the product only to the roots and rub the skull with the pulp of your fingers to activate blood circulation!

Finally, if you have long hair, it's time to apply a conditioner . For that, Julie recommends the Grow Màdara Conditioner , perfect for detangling and hydrating hair without making it limp and heavy.

To rinse, nothing better than cold water ! The latter will come to close the scales of the hair and make them more shiny and sheathed.

Nuoo tip :after rinsing, spray your hair with a mixture of water and cider vinegar organic (3 tablespoons of vinegar for 1 liter of water). This mixture rebalances the pH of the scalp and boosts hair growth!

To dry the hair, we put aside the hair dryer, too aggressive, but we also avoid vigorously rubbing his skull with a towel. Instead, we turn to microfiber towels , very absorbent and softer for the hair.

Accelerate hair growth with complementary care

To boost hair growth, you can also use daily care products such as Omum Anti-Hair Loss Hair Lotion ! This hair lotion contains turmeric, which stimulates hair growth, trace elements and vitamins, essential for the balance of the hair fiber. It is to be used at any time of the year and especially during changes of season .

Monthly, you can also make a mask to boost hair growth! For that, turn to the Cattier Hair Detox Mask . It is perfect for eliminating dead cells and cleansing the scalp to promote the arrival of new hair. If you prefer homemade hair masks, we recommend this one:

  • 3 tablespoons of rhassoul :purifying, detoxifying
  • 2 teaspoons of castor oil :stimulates hair growth
  • aloe vera gel until you get a paste:real vitamin concentrate that stimulates the scalp and accelerates hair growth

Leave on the scalp for several minutes before rinsing with shampoo!

Which dietary supplements to grow hair faster?

Now that we have seen "out" care, we are going to look at "in" care and for that, nothing better than food supplements! Julie recommends the Keratin Absolute from D-LAB , a supplement that stimulates the hair bulb and promotes hair growth. This vegetable keratin also limits the phases of hair loss and ensures a denser hair mass!

The supplement A Growth Booster from Atelier Nubio is also ideal for stimulating hair growth. Its ingredients (horsetail, arugula and brewer's yeast) stimulate the hair bulb, limit breakage, strengthen hair and boost keratin. What to wear beautiful hair every day!

How to boost hair growth with your diet?

Boosting hair growth also involves adopting a varied and balanced diet . Indeed, to grow well, hair needs various nutrients and these can be provided by food!

For example, proteins (vegetable or animal) will reinforce keratin , a natural protein that mainly makes up the hair. Zinc, an essential trace element for the body, promotes good hair health since it participates in the synthesis of keratin and redensifies hair mass . It can be obtained from foods such as oilseeds or fish. Finally, vitamins B and C protect the hair and regenerate it while promoting its growth! To get them, stock up on fruits and vegetables.

You have in hand all the advice from our beauty expert to grow your hair faster and above all to have healthy hair. It's up to you!

Boost hair growth with natural care