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Is hair growth permanent after a hair transplant?

Is hair growth permanent after a hair transplant?

Anyone who thinks that hair loss is a problem that we only have to deal with in old age is wrong. The hair of some men and women also falls out at a young age. This can be the result of stress or moisture deficiency, but often it is hereditary hair loss. In that case, the hair loss is caused by the DHT hormone. This hormone reduces blood flow to the hair follicles, causing hairs to fall out before the end of their growth cycle. With a hair transplant you put an end to this. Many people only wonder whether the hair growth is permanent after such a procedure. In the text below we give you an answer to this question.

Permanent solution for hair loss

Is hair loss causing bald spots on your head? Then you can consider a hair transplant. After such a procedure, you do not have to worry that your hair will fall out again, because a hair transplant is a permanent solution for hair loss. This is because the hairs are always removed from the hair garland at the back of your head. These hairs have a different genetic predisposition, so they are not sensitive to hormones. This means you don't have to worry about your hair falling out after a hair transplant.

Hairs may fall out shortly after treatment

You know by now that hair growth is permanent after a hair transplant. That is why you may decide to undergo such an operation. However, it is possible that the hairs fall out again some time after the treatment. This is not exactly something to worry about, because it is part of the recovery. The hair follicles then shed the old hairs so that they can start producing new hairs. These new hairs do not grow immediately. It often takes about three to five months before new hairs grow in the area that was previously bald. Do your hairs fall out right after a hair transplant? Then this is not immediately a reason to panic.

End result visible after one year

Of course you want to see the results of a hair transplant as soon as possible. You don't walk around for long with bald spots on your head. Despite the fact that hairs are transplanted directly, the result is never immediately visible. We mentioned above that hair can fall out shortly after the procedure. This only concerns the hair, the hair follicles simply remain behind in the skin. These hair follicle then start producing a new hair. Such hair does not grow within a day, but this often takes quite some time. Therefore, assume that the final result of a hair transplant can be seen after a year.  

Choose a professional hair clinic

Today there are several hair clinics where you can undergo a hair transplant. Before you make a choice, you should know that not every clinic is equally professional. As a result, it is not a foregone conclusion that hair growth after a hair transplant is permanent. The treatment must be carried out correctly. Therefore, always look for a professional clinic for hair transplant in the Netherlands. Take a look at the techniques you can choose from at the clinic, among other things.

Many clinics offer a FUT hair transplant, but you can increasingly opt for a FUE hair transplant. The big advantage of this last technique is that hairs are removed from your scalp one by one. There are only small wounds, which means that suturing is not necessary. In the FUT technique, a strip of skin is removed. After the treatment, stitches must always be made, so that a scar remains.

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