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Hair transplantation, an effective technique?

What is a hair transplant?

The main hair transplant technique practiced today consists, as its name suggests, of replacing the missing hair by grafting others. It is natural hair since it is taken from your own skull, at the back of the head, in an area where it does not fall. Under local anesthesia, the practitioner takes a long, thin strip of scalp. This is then cut into small squares which will be reimplanted via micro-incisions on the area to be relined. Up to 5,000 hairs can be reimplanted in a single session. Within a few months, hair will begin to regrow on the treated area. Now all that remains is to take care of them and provide them with the appropriate care!

Hair transplantation:for whom?

Hair transplantation is reserved for women who have a fairly significant hair loss and who have tried all treatments without results. This technique has no major contraindications. But it's still a local anesthetic, so it's best to talk to a doctor about it before deciding on the operation, especially if you have specific health conditions. In any case, be aware that you have a withdrawal period of 15 days after the first consultation and the date of the operation.

Hair transplant:what are the disadvantages?

The main disadvantage of this hair transplant technique is to leave a small scar on the back of the head. But you should know that new techniques now allow you to have a fairly discreet result. The other disadvantage is that of the price:it costs on average 5,000 to 6,000 euros per session. But the result is final!