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Hair growth:this unsuspected natural food greatly accelerates hair growth

Classified in the family of “super foods”, spirulina is, hold on tight, considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the best food for humanity in the 21st century and the most complete because of its composition and its exceptional nutritional richness. So it was time to take stock of this miracle food!

What is spirulina?

Invisible to the naked eye, spirulina is a freshwater micro-algae belonging to the cyanobacteria family. These are good bacteria. Also called "blue algae", spirulina is recognizable thanks to its blue-green color. Appeared 3.5 billion years ago, spirulina has greatly contributed to the development of life on Earth thanks to its production of oxygen via photosynthesis. It proliferates in fresh and alkaline lakes in tropical regions. The Aztecs knew it and used it to prepare energy cookies. It has also been known for a long time by Chadians who consume it in the form of pancakes.

Spirulina, the miracle food to help your hair grow faster!

First this clarification! At the base of the hair is the follicle. It is a cavity where the root of the hair is implanted:the bulb, which receives the nutrients. From this bulb is born the stem, composed of keratin and chains of amino acids. And so ! To promote the synthesis of keratin, it is essential to eat protein. And this is where our dear spirulina is simply miraculous in promoting hair growth. Because indeed, by its composition rich in protein, spirulina will boost the production of keratin. Spirulina contains between 60% and 70% protein, making it the most concentrated food in the world , with a high proportion of the 8 so-called essential amino acids because they cannot be synthesized by our body and must therefore be provided by our diet. But precisely, the metabolism of keratin requires 18 amino acids, including the 8 essential ones!

Spirulina:the cure to do urgently during confinement

What benefits! For example, know that the purifying activity of pure spirulina leads to a rapid and effective evacuation of pollutants and lactic acid . It therefore allows an increase in energy and faster recovery after training or competition. Thanks to its many compounds, spirulina helps to keep or regain shape. It stimulates cell growth and revitalizes the body, while fighting fatigue. It strengthens and stimulates the immune system which fights more effectively against viral diseases. Spirulina also helps detoxify the body. It also fights cholesterol and diabetes. Thanks to its natural antioxidants, it slows down skin aging and reduces wrinkles. It strengthens the nails, restores strength and vitality to the hair. Its rich and diversified composition reduces nutritional deficiencies. It is perfect for vegetarians and vegans. Spirulina is a real asset to eradicate malnutrition.

But this is only one of the many benefits of spirulina on our body; discover all the others in our slideshow.