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More natural with refillable cosmetics

The damage caused to our planet and the resulting consequences (global warming, disappearance of certain species) have been the warning signal for a whole generation for a few years now. Drastic changes in the way we consume had to take place in the hope of making a difference. Awareness has slowly taken hold in several sectors, including cosmetics. We are talking about a return to nature and the use of responsible cosmetics. The idea of ​​refillable cosmetics remains by far one of the best innovations in this field. What is it and what are the benefits?

What are refillable cosmetics?

To understand the concept of refillable cosmetics , we must first understand that of non-refillable cosmetics. We are talking about an unlimited production of containers, mostly plastic, in order to market the same products over and over.

Refillable cosmetics instead use the reverse process. They are marketed in containers produced in limited quantities and are sold at once with the product. This type of beauty or hygiene product can then be restocked several times by buying refills that will fill the box or jar once it has been emptied.

Several cosmetics manufacturers have adopted this formula by offering products for daily use , such as toothpaste and deodorant. They are packaged in such a way as to allow re-use of the packaging. They then offer services allowing consumers to recharge directly in stores or online by purchasing products in recharge format. Such cosmetic products are naturally more environmentally friendly and can be ordered on many platforms such as, a brand that offers natural and responsible products.

The advantages of refillable cosmetics

Refillable cosmetics allow everyone to consume differently. Here are some of their benefits.

The benefits on the ecology

Giving priority to refillable cosmetics means helping to reduce the harmful effects of packaging production on the planet. Indeed, the perpetual manufacture of containers dangerously weakens the ecological balance , not to mention the emission of toxic gases and the release of harmful particles.

Moreover, ordinary cosmetic packaging is, for the most part, unsuitable for recycling. In some cases where recycling is possible, the procedure itself would be extremely polluting.

In addition to recycling, these packages take decades to degrade, during which time they continue to negatively impact the environment. We also remind you that most cosmetic packaging is imported from Asian countries, which implies even more emission of polluting gases.

Switching to refillable cosmetics is a responsible gesture in favor of nature. In the medium and long term, it allows us to adopt a respectful approach to our planet and to protect oneself from the toxic effects of industrial packaging.

Economic benefits

Packaging production represents a significant burden. Generally speaking, the price of packaging increases the price of the final product. It is sometimes estimated at almost half the price of the latter. In some cases, the price of the container even exceeds the price of the product before packaging. A common situation in the luxury industry.

The use of refills and unique packaging allows manufacturers to reduce their cost of production and enhance the product in its essence. By doing so, manufacturers avoid the problem of over-packaging, an element sometimes excessively considered essential to the image of the brand.

On the consumer side, the refillable cosmetic option therefore offers the possibility of making significant savings while doing something for the environment.

Why not try ?