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Why do most people look better with sunglasses on?

Why do most people look better with sunglasses on?

Is that right? If we are to believe Vanessa Brown's research, yes. There are three reasons for this.

1. Sunglasses make your face look more symmetrical
Research has shown that there is a clear link between symmetry and what is seen as beauty. Sunglasses obscure the asymmetrical area around our eyes, making our face appear more symmetrical and making us prettier.

2. You look mysterious with sunglasses on
Due to the dark lenses of sunglasses, others cannot see your eyes (well). And that while eyes reveal just so much. If the emotions are hidden behind your sunglasses, it makes you appear mysterious.

3. Sunglasses are unconsciously reminiscent of glamour
From the 1950s, more and more stars hid behind sunglasses so that they could not be recognized. Sunglasses give instant glam.

What we would like to add ourselves:sunglasses are ideal if you want to hide your tired look. And that also makes us prettier.

Read also:choose good sunglasses.