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#Woman of March - Meeting with Umaï

March, the month which for us celebrates Women.
Of course, a single day or a single month in the year is not enough, but we will not talk about that.
No. We want to ask you “which woman are you? », and further still, « which woman do you want to be »? We believe that each of you has everything you need inside of you to be who you want to be. Getting inspired to nourish yourself, yes, but everything is already within you.

Happy, inspiring, sexy, feminine, sensitive, true, enthusiastic, natural, confusing, funny, independent, strong… Be free to be whatever you want to be. Without injunction. Without judgement. Woman and free. Naturally.So, to celebrate together the Woman that we are, meeting with inspiring, touching, creative, enterprising women.Today, meeting with Célia, founder of the French brand Umaï, the shampoo that wants to save the planet . First of all, introduce yourself and your brand My name is Célia, I am 25 and I am one of the 4 co-founders of the brand of natural and committed cosmetics, Umaï. Our first product is a solid shampoo that wants to save the planet in order to rid our bathrooms of plastic bottles. Why did you found this brand? What message did you want to convey? We wanted to prove that today we are able to do more in the world of beauty to create very committed products that are good for the planet but also very pleasant to use! Ecology is not necessarily a concession and today it is possible to make products that we want to use again and again and which are thought out down to the smallest detail to have a positive impact on the earth and the society. What is your definition of female beauty? Feel good in your sneakers! In my opinion, the acceptance of oneself, of one's differences and of the je ne sais quois that make us unique is the most beautiful beauty! Which woman do you want to embody every day through your brand? A woman who dares and fights for what she believes in! I never imagined being able to create a company like Umaï, today I want to prove that when you are passionate and do things for the right reasons, nothing is impossible. Who is your female role model and why? I don't really have one, all the women who fight for what they want on their scale inspire me. What is your favorite quote? Never think you're too small to make a difference. A message to all women? Dare, we are always stronger than we imagine! #Woman of March - Meeting with Umaï