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Meeting with Anya Tsai, founder of the association Les Résilientes

This month of March is fantastic:even if a day or a month is not enough, it gives us the opportunity to highlight women who inspire us:and there are many of them at NUOO!
For this 2021 edition, it is Anya Tsai, founder of the association Les Résilientes, who will be at the heart of our attention. Anya is a sparkling woman, full of joie de vivre and energy, with whom we wish to exchange to discover her. ♥

The Resilient Association

What is the core of his work? His association! Les Résilientes is a non-profit association recognized of general interest, founded in 2018 by Anya, life coach and herself resilient. The association offers speaking groups in Paris for men and women, resilient and resilient to sexual violence, to encourage the liberation of speech andsupport people on the path to reconstruction . It is one of the only associations to offer discussion groups for women and men who have suffered rape and sexual violence.

The word is liberating, it makes you stronger and allows you to no longer see yourself simply as a victim. Through her association, Anya wishes to guide victims of sexual violence towards resilience and towards a new life. To find inner peace and rebuild oneself, it is essential to evacuate all the anger which is in oneself and to refocus on the future.

In order to know a little more about Anya and the association, we asked some questions that were important to us.

What does “Resilience” mean to you?

Resilience is a word that is particularly dear to me and that resonates with me. In physics, it is the ability of a body to resist shocks and return to its initial structure. In psychology, resilience is this ability to live, to bounce back, to develop despite adversity and to overcome traumatic events. We all have this capacity for resilience within us, we will indeed go through various hardships in our lives, whether it be sexual violence (or not), separation or divorce, illness, burnout, death, or even go through the ordeal that is the Covid for example.

Your Mantra today

"I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become." (Carl Gustav Jung)

What today's Anya would say to little Anya

You are an amazing girl filled with talent and unlimited potential. Don't let anyone tell you what is possible or not. You choose the life you want to live. Everything is possible, you have no limits.

Recommend readings, films, podcast?

I just made a video on my YouTube channel about the books that changed my life and inspired me on my resilience journey:

To go further in his journey of resilience, I pass on all the keys to freeing himself from his past and rebuilding himself after the ordeal in my book which appears on April 15: "The gold of our scars", Anya Tsai (First editions, 16.95€). It is available for pre-order now on all websites or at your bookstore.

What future can we expect for Resilient Women?

At the base "Les Résilientes" is first of all my personal blog on resilience after a rape, then an internet community. I then founded my association "Les Résilientes" in 2018 on an observation:at the time, there were no support groups in Paris for women and men who were victims of sexual violence. So I created what I hadn't found and that's how the association and its discussion groups were born. Its goal:encourage free speech and offer spaces to do so in complete confidentiality, respect, listening, kindness and non-judgment. Last year, the association was recognized as being of general interest. But I have difficulties to be able to continue the activities of the association which lacks financial support and unfortunately does not have its own premises at its disposal for its activities.

For my association, I hope in the future that it can continue its mission in complete autonomy, have premises to continue the activities of discussion groups and workshops, find sponsors and committed people to join me and support my cause. . Alone, it is difficult for me to do more. But together, we can go much further and move the lines!

How to help or join the association?

How can we help you as a volunteer?

I need rooms in Paris to be able to offer discussion groups, financial support to develop the association's projects, as well as volunteers and support professionals to help me in the mission of the association. .

If you have skills to bring to the association, you can write to me at:[email protected]

How can I join a discussion group?

For the discussion groups in Paris of the Les Résilientes association:you must be of legal age to participate in the groups and write me an email with the request at:[email protected]

Find us and ask your questions during our live with Anya on Thursday March 11, 2021 at 6 p.m. on our instagram account.

If you want to learn more about the association, we advise you to go to Anya Tsai's blog which is full of testimonials and good advice for rebuilding yourself when you have been victim of sexual harassment or violence whether you are a man or a woman.