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#Woman of March - Meeting with Johanna from La French Pique

March, the month which for us celebrates Women.
Of course, a single day or a single month in the year is not enough, but we will not talk about that.
No. We want to ask you “which woman are you? », and further still, « which woman do you want to be »? We believe that each of you has everything you need inside of you to be who you want to be. Getting inspired to nourish yourself, yes, but everything is already within you.

Happy, inspiring, sexy, feminine, sensitive, true, enthusiastic, natural, confusing, funny, independent, strong… Be free to be whatever you want to be. Without injunction. Without judgement. Woman and free. Naturally.So, to celebrate together the Woman that we are, meeting with inspiring, touching, creative, enterprising women.Today, meeting with Johanna, founder of the brand La French Pique, the hand-embroidered brand, inspired by you, sewn by the team.

Above all, introduce yourself and your brand

Johanna, Parisian exiled in Marseille for the sun, creator and founder of La French Pique Paris since 2015. I am a wild, free and joyful child. I like to make people laugh. I often repeated to my grandmother when I was little:"But Grandma, it's just for fun! "It was driving her crazy...and that line stayed with me all my life.

Why did you want to start?

    To be free. Finally, have a golden prison. Entrepreneurship is beautiful, it's good, you work for yourself but wow, how difficult it is. Motivation, competition, jealousy, money. You have to know how to manage everything and surround yourself well.

    What is your definition of female beauty?

      The natural woman. I don't like girls who do too much, make up is nice in the evening, at weddings, for events, but as the woman is naturally beautiful. It's a crazy thing! A simple lipstick, a mascara to open the eyes and BAAAM.

      Which woman do you want to embody every day through your brand?

        A powerful woman. A woman who knows what she wants. A woman of 2020 what!

        Who is your female role model and why?

        I particularly love journalist Elise Lucet. Because she is all the power and intelligence that I would like to be.

        What is your favorite quote?

        Help yourself and heaven will help you !

        A message to all women?

        GO FOR IT+ YES YOU CAN! Visit the La French Pique website to discover its superb creations and one-of-a-kind embroideries! #Woman of March - Meeting with Johanna from La French Pique