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how to use a peel-off mask?

Great novelty of recent years, in this article we present the operation of the peel-off mask. Thanks to its mechanical action , the skin is purified and the complexion regains its radiance. In addition to deeply cleansing the skin , using it provides additional effects. Depending on their composition and richness in active ingredients, they can have anti-wrinkle, anti-dark spot, lightening properties... Powder to prepare or in a ready-to-use tube, they are the best allies for skin with impurities .

What is a peel-off mask?

The peel-off mask is a cosmetic cleanser for the skin. As the name suggests, peel-off English remove , this product is made to remove all toxins from the surface of the skin . It is most often in the form of a gelatinous paste but can also be offered in powder to prepare yourself. This mixture should be spread thinly over the areas to be treated. In a few minutes, the product begins to dry gently and cling to the impurities present on the surface of the skin.

From there, the concept of peel-off takes on its full meaning. Unlike other cleansers where after application all you have to do is rinse. This type of mask must be removed dry. This practice makes it possible to mechanically remove all impurities and toxins present on the surface of the epidermis.

Our tips for use

To test this concept of peel-off masks, we recommend the Purifying Tea Tree Mask from Kimber Cosmetics. This treatment is a real skin detoxifier . On the practical side, it is presented in the form of powder to prepare yourself . This makes it easier to transport and store.

Inside this green packaging is the powder to be transferred into a container for the preparation. 60ml of water will be necessary to optimally moisten the treatment. By mixing well, a smooth and creamy paste forms, a sign that it is ready for use. As soon as the desired texture is obtained, it will be necessary to apply the mask to the face , preferably previously cleaned. During application, avoid spreading the mask on the eye contour and hair roots. And this, so as not to irritate these sensitive areas too much when removing the mask. Wait 15 minutes for the product to solidify properly. After this time, all you have to do is remove the mask in one piece . To do this, we recommend to gently take off this one starting from the outside towards the nose .

The considerable advantage of this purifying mask by Kimber cosmetics is its composition. Indeed, its purifying mechanical action aside, it is enriched with tea tree extract / organic tea tree . A cosmetic active ingredient recognized for its many properties:antiseptic, healing, soothing... We are presenting this single-dose sachet in our box for the month of March called “spring rebirth”. This box offers you 4 wonderful treatments to prepare your skin for the arrival of spring.

Also discover Kimber Cosmetics Carrot Peel off Mask, with purifying ingredients. His secret? create an immediate healthy glow effect.