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How to reduce the production of melanin?

Do you suffer from hyperpigmentation caused by an overproduction of melanin? If this anomaly presents no danger to your health, it turns out to be unsightly. You should already know that the excessive production of melanin is activated by UV rays and by skin aging. The skin gradually deteriorates, hence the appearance of brown spots. Fortunately, the right treatments and remedies will help you reduce and eliminate hyperpigmentation.

Vitamin C-based cosmetics to inhibit melanin production

If, despite your efforts, the brown spots do not fade, consider vitamin C-based cosmetics. In addition to reducing wrinkles and remedy uneven skin texture, vitamin C serum inhibits the production of melanin and reveals the radiance of the most sensitive skin. What could be better ? In their composition, in addition to vitamin C, some cosmetics includesalicylic acid which reduces the accumulation of sebum. As you apply, you will find that your skin is smoother and softer. Also count on trace elements such as selenium to soothe the skin. And to optimize the effectiveness of cosmetics enriched with vitamin C, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.

Potatoes:a grandmother's recipe

If you appreciate home remedies, know that it is possible to reduce the overproduction of melanin with potato. How? 'Or' What ? Potatoes have absorbent properties that reduce brown spots. The remedy is quite simple since you just have to cut half a potato into several slices and rub them on the most affected parts. Leave for fifteen or twenty minutes before rinsing with cold water.

Honey and lemon juice

You probably know that the mixture of lemon juice and honey can treat cough. You can also take care of your hair with this other grandmother's trick. Even more, the lemon-honey combination reduces hyperpigmentation . Well, also know that citric acid naturally whitens the skin to reduce unsightly spots . If you are interested in this treatment, you just need to mix 2 tablespoons of honey (50g) with 2 tablespoons of lemon (30ml). You get a rather homogeneous paste that you will apply on the brown parts. Massage and let the remedy rest for about twenty minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. You can even renew the applications every day without any danger. If you don't have lemon, you can use crushed orange peel. Mix the latter with half a glass of milk and 2 tablespoons of honey.

Aloe vera to reduce melanin production

Aloe vera remains essential when it comes to treatment against hyperpigmentation. To be effective, mix this ingredient with Vitamin E . The remedy thus obtained allows you to deeply moisturize your skin. More so, the blend removes dead tissue, fades dark spots due to hyperpigmentation and soothes the skin. You can already concoct this remedy by mixing 10 drops of vitamin E oil with 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel. Then you just need to apply the mixture on the dark spots. Leave on for about 20 minutes then rinse with cold water. Apply this remedy several times a week or even daily for best results.