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Konjac sponge:how to use it?

"It's the ally of problem skin, the konjac sponge helps reduce acne, dilated pores, redness or excess sebum."

You have imperfections , the dull skin , the dilated pores or blackheads ? No matter how scrupulously you follow a routine for skin with imperfections, you don't really see any results? Are you tired of spending your time looking for a revolutionary new routine? ?

I myself had this skin problem with imperfections. I have combination skin and at the time I had small pimples on my forehead and chin (not to mention blackheads on my nose).

No matter how much I tried new treatments, nothing worked. When I switched to organic and natural products, I started to see a real difference, but there was still something missing.

That's when I tried the konjac sponge .

It is a sponge to be used after cleansing the skin and has an exfoliating action. I started using it every day. And guess what? It functioned. I regained a smooth, radiant complexion and clear skin.

Where does this sponge come from? How to choose it? How is it used and how to store it? We answer all your questions and we reveal all its virtues!

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Konjac sponge, what is it?

Konjac sponge:how to use it?

A konjac sponge is simply a 100% natural sponge, it cleans the skin of your face in a healthy way. In addition to cleansing the skin, this zero-waste accessory gently exfoliates and naturally purifies the epidermis . It can be suitable for all skin types without problem, even sensitive or atopic skin can adopt it! I also have sensitive skin, and I haven't noticed any irritation since I've been using it. It is an accessory based on natural ingredients that takes care of your skin by gently cleansing it. Each is specialized for a type of skin and has different active ingredients, so it is important to choose it carefully.

Where does the konjac sponge come from?

Amorphophalus konjac is a plant whose roots are dried and ground to obtain a konjac powder . This is mixed with natural calcium hydroxide, heated, frozen, then dried:this is how this vegetable sponge is made. . It has been used for several centuries in Japan and more widely in Asia and is part of Asian culture, being used daily to reinforce the action of organic face cleansing gel.

What is this vegetable sponge for?

Organic Konjac sponge , What's the point ? Konjac sponge is rich in vitamins, proteins, lipids, fatty acid, copper, zinc, iron, magnesium and antioxidants. It helps to cleanse and exfoliate the skin without irritating it . It can even be used on sensitive skin and babies!

Thanks to konjac powder, it nourishes, activates microcirculation; its virtues making it useful for a face suffering from dartres, acne, blackheads, or even eczema. The konjac sponge gently exfoliates the skin, its composition enriched with vegetable fibers exfoliates the sensitive epidermis. It unclogs the pores of the skin, eliminates dead skin and helps to fight against the appearance of blackheads.

You can give your face a gentle massage which stimulates blood circulation and accelerates the cell regeneration process. It offers a deep make-up removal , farewell to the impurities accumulated throughout the day! Konjac root is, by its nature, antibacterial and sanitizing , perfect for purifying the skin and preparing the epidermis well for the care it will receive.

Konjac sponge:how to use it?

Choose your sponge from our selection:

What are the benefits of the konjac sponge?

100% natural, this sponge is biodegradable , it respects the environment and our skin. It is the perfect accessory for gentle exfoliation, all skin types can use it without problem:dry skin, combination skin, oily skin, sensitive or normal skin, there is no reason to deprive yourself of its use!

It is the ally of problem skin, the konjac sponge helps to reduce acne, dilated pores, redness or excess sebum. Skins that have eczema or psoriasis can integrate it into their skincare routine. To gently take care of your facial skin , we do not hesitate to adopt it!

Finally, konjac has the ph of normal skin, so it balances the ph of the skin:it increases the ph of dry skin and decreases that of combination to oily skin.

Does the konjac sponge replace a scrub?

With its fibers, the konjac sponge allows a light exfoliation of the skin. We therefore advise you to plan a facial scrub about once a week for clean skin, free of all impurities! Just like with the sponge, choose your scrub based on your skin type.

How to choose my konjac sponge?

When making your choice, be vigilant about its origin. Indeed, many online stores offer poor quality konjac sponges, which will therefore not have the desired effect on your skin.

We advise you to favor organic konjac sponges whose fibers come from Asia. At NUOO we have a whole collection of organic konjac sponges that you can use every day.

Which konjac sponge color should I choose?

Konjac sponge:how to use it?

What color for my Konjac sponge? Be sure to choose a Konjac sponge without chemical additives or artificial colors . The colors are naturally given to the sponge by the active ingredients it contains.

Originally, the konjac sponge is white in color but it has been enriched with many active ingredients to respond more precisely to all the needs of the skin. Don't be afraid to test konjac sponges on your face!

Depending on your skin type, opt for:

  • The white konjac sponge:neutral, for normal to sensitive and atopic skin. It is made from konjac root.
Konjac sponge:how to use it?

  • The gray konjac sponge:infused in bamboo charcoal, it cleans oily, acne-prone skin , eliminating impurities and excess sebum.
Konjac sponge:how to use it?

  • The red or pink konjac sponge:made with red or red and white clay respectively. It illuminates dull complexions, improves blood circulation in mature or sensitive skin , blotchy, redness.
Konjac sponge:how to use it?

  • The green konjac sponge:contains green clay, detoxifying normal to combination skin .
Konjac sponge:how to use it?

How to use a konjac sponge?

Simply sprinkle your konjac sponge with a trickle of clear water then massage your face in circular motions until your skin is clean and cleansed. You can add a small amount of your organic facial cleanser to make light circular movements on dry or blackhead-prone areas of the face.

Finally, rinse and gently wring your sponge (without twisting it because it could break - the fiber of konjac sponges is very fragile), then hang it up to dry! You can use your sponge twice a day, cleaning in the morning can be lighter, you wake up your skin gently, in the evening it is perfect for removing make-up and cleaning your skin.

Before the very first use, soak your sponge for about 15 minutes in lukewarm water, it should soften.

For easier application, we advise you to use an organic cotton skincare headband to clear your face. it will be much more comfortable for exfoliation but also when leaving masks on or applying your serum or moisturizer.

Konjac sponge:how to use it?

Can we use the konjac sponge alone?

The answer is:of course! She is self-sufficient! The anti-bacterial properties of the sponge make it just as effective on its own. This natural sponge is already exfoliating and cleansing naturally, you can enjoy its softness without adding products.

However, it is quite possible to use it with a cleanser or a few drops of essential oils or vegetable oil. You can absolutely use it for your body, in this case, you can add a little natural or organic soap.

What cleanser should I use with my konjac sponge?

In order to benefit from optimizing the cleansing of your face, you can combine the use of your sponge with the following cleansers:

How should I store my sponge and when should I change it?

A few conservation tips, you can hang your sponge - thanks to the small integrated string - to avoid any contamination, protected from light and humidity; or in the fridge (this way it won't dry out and will stay fresh to give you energy in the morning!). Indeed, if you keep it in water, there is a risk of bacterial proliferation , which is why it is very important that it dries between two uses.

Disinfect it every 2 weeks in hot water for 5 minutes, then change it every 4 to 6 weeks depending on its condition. You change your konjac sponge when it starts to crumble. Remember to compost it since konjac sponges are 100% natural !

Adopt a cleansing routine for your face complete with organic konjac sponge! Do you use one? Tell us about your experience in the comments and tell us which is your favorite! Also ask us your questions :)