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How to use a blackhead remover?

For fear of not knowing how to use a blackhead remover, you never dared to buy one? However, this utensil is no longer reserved for beauty professionals and it can easily help you extract those ugly blackheads hygienically and easily!

We will then explain in detail how to use a blackhead remover , to help you regain beautiful and healthy skin from your bathroom!

What is a blackhead remover used for?

The comedone extractor is a metal beauty accessory with a rounded tip, also called comedone extractor or blackhead forceps. It is simply used to remove small accumulations of sebum that clog the pores of the skin:the famous blackheads.

But how does a blackhead remover work? The principle is actually quite simple:just press on each area prone to blackheads with the bout rounded utensil . This will dislodge the sebum that had remained hidden under the skin.

How to use a blackhead remover?

Step 1:clean the blackhead extractor and your hands

First of all, you have to make sure that you are not going to proliferate bacteria on your face. So the first step is to wash your hands thoroughly , with soap or by applying a hydroalcoholic solution, in order to avoid any risk of infection.

Also be sure to sanitize the utensil. For this, no need for a complete cleaning kit. You will need a sterile pad or a alcohol swab , to be applied on the blackhead remover.

Step 2:prepare your skin

Even when you know how to properly use a comedone extractor, keep in mind that it is not a miracle accessory:the skin must first be prepared to facilitate the extraction of comedones afterwards.

Ideally, the following routine should be followed:

  1. Open the pores your skin, by performing a steam bath (boil water in a bowl and add purifying essential oil if necessary and place your face on top) or by placing a hot towel on your face, for about ten minutes.
  2. Remove the moisture that beads up on your face and any drops of sweat, using a cleansing soap .
  3. Make a gentle exfoliation , in order to eliminate dead cells and purify the skin. For example, you can use a konjac sponge or massage your skin with a facial scrub.
  4. Your clean and sanitized skin is now ready to get rid of its blackheads and it's time to discover concretely how to use a blackhead remover!

Step 3:attack blackheads

Here is now the crucial step:the use of this small metallic instrument! So how does the blackhead remover work?

First place the round shaped tip on the area where excess oil has clogged your pores. Then exert light pressure on the blackhead remover , and then you will see the blackheads coming out of your skin.

Warning:if you feel that you have to press very hard on the pliers, it means that your pores have not been dilated enough or that you do not have the right technique. If necessary, check out online videos to learn exactly how to use a blackhead remover. Another caveat:do not use this tool on acne pimples; it is reserved for blackheads.

Step 4:remove residue

After each extraction, it is important to remove excess sebum that came out of the pores of your skin. For example, you can use a cotton ball soaked in hydrosol or a wipe to remove impurities. Once you have treated all the areas and they are thoroughly cleansed, feel free to apply a soothing oil or cream , even healing, which will make your skin even more beautiful!

Also remember to clean the blackhead remover between each use, to prevent bacteria from spreading.

What are the other anti-blackhead tips?

How to use a blackhead remover?

Even when you know how to use a blackhead extractor, it is still an operation that you would like to do without. To do this, you must establish a care routine which will help prevent excess sebum from depositing and clogging the pores.

A few common sense tips will allow you to drastically limit the appearance of comedones:

  • always remember to remove your makeup every night and to cleanse your skin, using a cleanser suitable for your skin type;
  • use natural products to take care of your skin, and avoid cosmetics and make-up that contain harsh substances;
  • exfoliate regularly, but no more than once or twice a week, with an exfoliator or special face peel or made by you;
  • moisturize your skin daily , avoiding comedogenic cosmetics if your skin tends to get greasy quickly;
  • opt for products specially designed to avoid blackheads and blemishes , taking care to find the formula that suits your skin type.

And of course, we avoid touching our face with dirty hands, we protect ourselves against UV rays and we adopt a healthy lifestyle, to avoid any superfluous secretion of sebum!