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Pamper cellulite (and yes!)

Pamper cellulite? What a strange topic isn't it? Well yes, at NUOO, we love your body, all bodies, and all their little flaws. And because cellulite is in no way inevitable, we learn how to tame it!

Pamper your cellulite

So let's talk about a somewhat annoying subject:cellulite. We know it (almost) all of them, more or less installed and more or less extensive. And yes ! It is neither a question of weight nor a question of physics. Located mainly on the thighs, buttocks and stomach, cellulite is made up of "little bags of fat" which lodge under the epidermis to form dimples, commonly known as "orange peel skin"

If it is not possible to eliminate it completely, it can be reduced with several tips and techniques. We reassure you:the idea here is not at all to look like a retouched photo, with absolutely smooth skin and without any flaws. We all have different skin aspects, which we will seek to enhance naturally.

Types of cellulite

First of all, you must identify your type of cellulite among the following 4:

- adipose cellulite:linked most of the time to excess food (diet too rich in fats or sugars) and often soft to the touch. Put simply, it is fat storage.

- aqueous cellulite:linked to poor blood and lymphatic circulation and often soft to the touch. Generally, it is associated with a water retention problem.

- mixed cellulite:combines adipose cellulite and aqueous cellulite.

- fibrous cellulite:installed for a very long time, painful to the touch and sometimes slightly purplish, it is mainly located in the thighs, hips and knees.

Steps for smoother, firmer skin

First step to reduce cellulite:erase the skin, emphasizing the affected areas. This will allow the firming then moisturizing treatment to penetrate and act more effectively. We prefer a scrub enriched with juniper essential oil known to facilitate the elimination of the orange peel appearance and geranium essential oil recognized as an exceptional slimming oil. Then, an anti-cellulite cream or lotion is applied, which, combined with a palpate-roll type massage, reinforces the destocking active ingredients, particularly in the buttocks and thighs:this technique improves lymphatic circulation and reduces orange peel appearance.

To do this, apply the product then pinch the skin between the thumb and index finger before moving this fold of skin by rolling it over the entire area to be treated. On the stomach area, massage in a circular manner with the palm of the hand, making larger and larger circles. There are massage accessories that I particularly like, such as the famous “Bubble” in the shape of a suction cup which will stimulate blood circulation and destock fatty deposits when applied with an oil. The results are stunning, especially associated with a small workout. Even if cellulite is a delicate subject to discuss, it allows us at least one thing:to take care of our body!


- Patyka Anti-Stretch Mark Oil

- Massage Gua Sha Roll on Jade

- Big Bubble in Unscathed

A balanced lifestyle

Before beauty, we favor a healthy lifestyle with a bit of sport (having fun), a healthy and balanced diet, plenty of water, time to take care of yourself, etc.

To start, focus on the right foods! We favor natural fat-burning, draining or antioxidant allies such as celery, green tea, red fruits, leeks, cabbage, pineapple or peppers. It is ideal to carry out juice cures of cold-pressed fresh fruits and vegetables from time to time (1 to 3 days maximum) to detoxify the body and provide it with excellent nutrients. Drinking plenty of water is essential:1.5 liters a day is a minimum and helps purify the body while capturing fat.

This lifestyle combined with a few beauty gestures leaves us with a firm body every day. We choose treatments with active ingredients that improve the quality of our skin and contribute to its firmness:essential oils of lemon, grapefruit, rose geranium or even bergamot help to firm the skin, fight against water retention, reduce "orange peel" appearance and destock fat.

Enhance your skin!

To give the illusion that your body has switched to summer time, use treatments with an immediate sun effect. The ideal? Apply a shimmering dry oil or a synergy of vegetable oils. Thanks to the cocktails of natural ingredients with perfecting properties, your skin will be subtly sublimated. A way to reveal all your glow natural without using or abusing self-tanners. The minute beauty tip:carrot oil or buriti oil mentioned earlier in this chapter.


- Kadalys precious oil

- La Canopée glitter oil