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Cellulite and orange peel skin – Are we talking about it?

Cellulite and orange peel skin – Are we talking about it?
During the winter, culinary temptations make us weak… So much so that we would forget almost the start of summer vacation in 7 months.
Plenty of time to understand how to eliminate cellulite and orange peel skin as well as adopting a new routine to be on top.

Cellulite and orange peel skin – Are we talking about it?

Cellulite and orange peel, an impossible fight?

Know that 9 out of 10 women have cellulite mainly located on the stomach, buttocks and hips. We are all (or almost) affected by this phenomenon.
And for good reason, there are several types of cellulite – Indeed, it is important to know this one in order to find effective and adapted solutions:

Adipose cellulite is caused by a diet high in saturated fat.
It is also favored by a lack of sports activity – which will amplify the storage of fatty deposits.
Aqueous cellulite is very often associated with a feeling of heavy and swollen legs.
This is referred to as water retention caused in particular by circulation problems and a sedentary lifestyle.
– Finally, the fibrous cellulite , is more often related to age. It is the most difficult to dislodge despite regular sports exercises and a balanced diet.

But why me?

The hereditary factor is a cause that I personally find important to highlight.
Our morphology and our ability to burn fat is a factor inherited from our mother or even our great-grandmother, and that explains a lot…

Just the fact of being a woman is an argument in its own right. The hormonal factor (estrogen) promotes fat storage.

If you're lazy and too greedy, then it's normal... Excess fat and lack of sports activity promote cellulite.

Our way of life is also very important :lack of activity, tight clothing, poor posture, fatigue and stress in particular are factors that promote weight gain and cellulite.

Cellulite and orange peel skin – Are we talking about it?

How to get rid of it?

– Adopt a balanced diet and hydration with water and green tea.
Avoid snacking between meals as much as possible, do not hesitate to eat a lot of protein to nourish the muscles...
As well as foods rich in fibers such as vegetables, rice, fruits, etc.
Avoid:alcohol, the sweet treats we love so much, salt, tobacco, animal fats and red meats.

– Avoid crossing your legs to activate blood circulation.
In the shower, remember to finish with a jet of cool water to stimulate circulation and in the bath, avoid hot water!

– And sport is vital girls! In parallel with a healthy and varied diet, sport allows you to firm up and build muscle.
For an anti-cellulite effect and to fight against cellulite, focus on running, walking, swimming, zumba and the bike.

Prefer a sport at a moderate pace where fat is mainly used as fuel.
Otherwise the split is also a very effective way to burn calories.

– Finally, beauty salons and clinics also offer effective treatments to combat cellulite.

Radio frequency for cellulite? Yes!

Radio frequency allows you to heat the hypodermis where the fat cells are located without heating the skin to 42° but
deep in the fat, the temperature reaches 65°.
The fat can then no longer be stored in this place, just perfect for a lasting result in the long term. The treatment is painless and leaves the skin intact;)…

It takes about ten sessions of 30 minutes on average depending on the area, spaced 7 to 15 days apart for the
treatment to be really effective, knowing that the effects are tops 3 months later.
You have to count between 120 and 180 euros for a 30-minute session.
Cryotherapy , is also a good way to slim down and smooth your skin thanks to its freezing temperature,
around -110°.
We are talking about a loss of about 500 calories in three minutes flat. About the equivalent of a short hour of jogging...

And the Power Plate?

This technique makes the muscles of the body work at 97% while a classic activity does not go beyond 40%. We say

The Power Plate platform vibrates and causes a whole bunch of muscle contractions.
As the first results begin to appear after about fifteen sessions, you need at least 3 sessions of
30 minutes per week and regularly.

Cellulite and orange peel skin – Are we talking about it?
If you're like me thinking about getting serious about it in 2018 after the holidays, I'll share with you below the detox routine which I intend to adopt:
– Abuse salads made with celery, asparagus, avocados.
– Cook eggplant stuffed with bulgur, mint and parsley to block fat absorption.
– Make sure you have 50% carbohydrates, 35% fats and 15% proteins on your plate.
– Do not eat too much fat, too salty, too sweet and stop snacking.
– Finish your meal on a healthy note with pineapple or red fruits for example.
– On the drink side:water, lemon water and green tea are perfect because they have draining properties.

Cellulite and orange peel skin – Are we talking about it?

Why not bet on Aesthetic Medicine?

For certain cases where the cellulite does not dislodge easily, some people prefer to have recourse to aesthetic medicine.
Specialized in cosmetic surgery in particular, the Parisian clinic Eiffel-Golden Square offers Mesocellulite treatments – Without forgetting Cryolipolise and Radio Frequency that I tested.
I was really satisfied with the benefits and my skin has visibly gained in tone!

Cellulite and orange peel skin – Are we talking about it?

Writing:Fiona Deniau and Audrey Kazadi