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The comfort of organic Merry Christmas tea

night falling quickly. All of this can affect morale and you just want to enjoy a cocooning moment under a good blanket, with big soft socks, and with a good cup of tea in your hands.

However, in this Christmas season, nothing like a good tea in connection with this festive and magical period. For this, I recommend Merry Christmas Black Tea from the famous brand Les jardins de Gaïa , labeled organic and fair trade, available in the Belle au Naturel organic box in December.

First why a black tea? Nothing like it to boost your day because it is a tea strong in theine (note that it is stronger than green tea). This is why it is advisable to drink black tea in the morning or early afternoon. In addition, black tea has many benefits:composed of antioxidants, it allows:

- reduce the risk of heart attack and thus, more generally, it would be good for the cardiovascular system;

- improve blood circulation;

- help with any diet and weight control;

- fight against age-related diseases;

- prevent the onset of cavities;

- to act on digestive infections;

- to calm migraines;

- and to act on the mood so that it is better!!

"Merry Christmas" black tea is made with ingredients that will enhance the goodness of black tea, for example nutmeg, apple and cinnamon will add roundness and flavor, while the bitterness of orange will give a shot of fruity freshness to this tea with a robust base. Note also the spicy touch that will enhance the taste, especially ginger, cardamom, cloves, and black pepper.

The ingredients that make up Merry Christmas black tea enhance the benefits of black tea itself:

- nutmeg, black pepper and cloves are excellent for digestion and have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties;

- note that clove is very effective against urinary tract infections;

- black pepper has slimming properties.

In short, you will have understood, nothing like a good Christmas tea to comfort and warm us in this winter cold! So, on your marks, plaid, par-teas!!

Madeline REGNIER