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The cocooning ritual of jasmine tea

A French proverb puts it very well:“jasmine gives love to those who don't have it and makes those who have it green again”. But beyond that, this very fragrant and intoxicating flower has the particularity of soothing the mind. And although the weather is still gray, March is the period corresponding to the beginning of its flowering. At Belle au naturel, we decided to get a little ahead and enjoy it over a good cocooning tea.

Jasmine tea:a ritual


The benefits of jasmine tea

Synonymous with well-being, jasmine tea to many properties. It will be up to you to decide what you use it for:
  • One hour before going to bed, for example, drinking a cup will help people who suffer from insomnia fall asleep. To do well, you should not have activities that wake up the body such as sport that stimulates adrenaline or promotes nervousness.
  • Jasmine tea also helps regulate stress thanks to its calming action. For more efficiency, you can combine it with a meditation session. In the half-lotus position (one leg over the other) or cross-legged, hands on the knees, palms facing the sky and spine straight to promote the circulation of energy. Breathe deeply and calmly, focusing on your breath, then try to clear your mind.
  • For the most optimistic, jasmine has an aphrodisiac character bringing both a feeling of well-being and stimulating the libido.
  • Let's not forget the benefits of green tea, which is rich in antioxidants and stimulates the body as a preventive measure by boosting its immune defences.

The Japanese tea service

Keeping in mind its comforting aspect, we couldn't resist sharing with you a short video of a tea ceremony in Japan . Coming from a strong tradition in this country where everything is ritualized by slow and respectful gestures, preparing it becomes an art inviting the viewer to calm and patience.
