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The 15 secrets of organic shea butter

In the form of vegetable oil or butter, shea is found today in many preparations of organic cosmetic products or in raw form. Known in particular for its nourishing properties, it is also full of other benefits for the skin and hair, especially when it comes to organic shea butter .

But do you know where it comes from and how it is grown? And above all, do you know all its virtues and what are the best ways to incorporate it into your beauty routine? NUOO explains everything you should know to take advantage of the benefits of this plant , whose use is suitable for those who want to take care of their health and beauty capital!

The 15 secrets of organic shea butter

What are the origins of shea butter?

One of the advantages of shea butter is that it is a totally natural product , which can be used as is or used as an ingredient in cosmetic products. It is a substance that is extracted from shea nuts, from the tree of the same name. It is found in the wild in the savannahs of West and Central Africa. But concretely, how do you get this creamy texture or paste that you find in your cosmetics? There are actually several methods, from the most traditional to the most modern:

  • Drying of shelled shea almonds in the sun, followed by roasting and then crushing with a pestle to obtain a paste. Then comes the step of mixing this paste with water, which will then be heated to eliminate impurities and let the water evaporate, in order to obtain the famous shea butter.
  • Cold Press almonds by a mechanical process, without roasting, to keep as many nutrients as possible once the butter is extracted.
  • Grinding then dissolving the almonds in hexane (solvent), making it possible to obtain a liquid ingredient. It is then heated so that this solvent evaporates and only the butter remains.

Cold pressing is the preferred method to obtain a quality body butter or oil , but this method does not offer the best yields. So don't be surprised to have to pay a little more for an effective and healthy shea butter, and remember that your health is priceless!

What are the benefits of shea butter?

If we praise the merits of shea butter so much, it is not without reason! You have probably already heard that it is an ideal product to make a moisturizing treatment or to integrate into a body lotion. And it's absolutely true, but shea also has many virtues that you may not have suspected, which is why it is often recommended in the composition of home cosmetics.

The composition of vegetable oil or shea butter

To fully understand the benefits provided by this vegetable butter, you must first know a little more precisely what it is made of, and the list is long! First of all, we know that shea is rich in vitamins A and E . Good news:they are excellent antioxidants, recognized for their favorable actions on dry and mature skin in particular.

Another important component of shea butter is karitene, which has the power to protect against UV damage .

Added to this are other components with more barbaric names (phytosterols, terpene alcohols and fatty acids), but which are no less interesting for the body, face and hair.

The many virtues of shea in practice

Even if it is important to know what the cosmetic products that you apply to your body are made of, you are especially wondering what are the concrete properties of this famous shea butter . Here are some examples, which demonstrate its versatility and which should convince you to integrate it into your daily care:

  • shea butter helps prevent and treat the inconveniences caused by exposure to the sun;
  • it nourishes and protects the skin to deal with dryness;
  • it facilitates healing;
  • shea soothes the skin after shaving, both on the face and on the body;
  • it strengthens the hair, makes it shinier and even eliminates dandruff;
  • quality oil or butter can fight skin aging , etc.

King of hydration and protection, shea butter is therefore a great ally for young and old alike, and for both men and women!

How to use shea butter?

It is now a safe bet that you are convinced of the interest of shea for your health and the maintenance of your beauty. But you still need to know how to use this super ingredient, in order to make the most of its many virtues!

Apply pure shea butter

With shea butter (or its oil), there is no need to add multiple ingredients to enjoy an effective moisturizing treatment! You can indeed simply take a little butter and apply it on the face or body, on areas prone to dryness or exposed to the sun for example. For an easy and quick hair care, you can simply make a shea oil bath before you shampoo. It is also an ideal ingredient to fight against dry lips in winter. In this case, the simplest solution is to opt for a lip balm, which you can take everywhere. Our little advice:since it naturally has a rather hard texture at room temperature, you can choose to heat a little shea butter in your hands before applying it or liquefy it in a bain-marie.

Incorporate shea into homemade cosmetics

To multiply the benefits of shea and take advantage of the virtues of other cosmetic ingredients, it is also possible to make recipes using shea butter or oil.

As part of a hair moisturizer , for dry and brittle ends, for example, the combination of shea with coconut oil, castor oil, avocado oil or honey is very effective. It can even be used as an ingredient to make a dry shampoo or a smoothing conditioner .

Another idea:why not make a personalized body butter based on shea? Add almond oil and/or essential oils adapted to your skin problems, and you're done!

To take care of your lips, know that you can also make your own balm or scrub by integrating shea butter. Added to other oils, it will be an excellent moisturizing and repairing treatment. Combined with sugar, it allows you to make a gentle exfoliation to find beautiful lips. You can even combine it with natural pigments to make a gloss with beneficial properties !

The few precautions to take with shea butter

Despite all its benefits and its very diverse uses, shea butter can have some contraindications. They concern a minority of people, but it is better to be well informed before using this product.

If you are allergic to latex for example, it is advisable to carry out a test on a small part of your skin before turning to cosmetic products based on shea, which naturally contains it.

Also, keep in mind that shea butter does not replace sunscreen when you expose yourself.

How to choose your shea products?

Like any other cosmetic product, shea reveals its benefits when it is of high quality. So here are some things to consider when shopping.

Pay attention to the cultivation method and the manufacturing process

If NUOO is committed to offering you natural and organic products, it is because this allows you to take care of yourself effectively without endangering your health. This is why we advise you to choose pure shea butter or added to other natural products. Choose a body butter from organic farming you also guarantee the absence of harmful chemical substances, and that's a plus for the environment!

Trust WAAM for your organic cosmetics

Within our range of products for the body, face and hair, we offer recipes developed by the WAAM brand. Why ? Because we know that you can get its butters, oils and hydrosols with your eyes closed. Natural, vegan, not tested on animals and made in part under fair trade, they're all good! Discover 5 reasons to fall for WAAM Cosmetics.

Among WAAM's organic cosmetics, you will find raw or yuzu shea butter , this citrus fruit rich in antioxidants and with an irresistible smell! And if you prefer shea oil, WAAM also offers you an entirely pure and natural product. All these products are cold pressed , guaranteeing you optimal hydration and protection. These vegetable oils are to be included urgently in your beauty routine.

And to create treatments that perfectly match your needs, do not hesitate to consult all the WAAM products on the NUOO online store. Castor oil, jojoba oil, glycerin and many other natural products can be combined with your shea butter!