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Are homemade cosmetics worth the commercial ones?

Among the beauty trends, the production of homemade cosmetics is constantly gaining followers. There are many reasons for this:less waste, personalized treatment, cost reduction, numerous recipes offered online, etc.

If there are indeed advantages to make your own beauty products , it should also be kept in mind that organic and conventional cosmetic products also have their advantages. At NUOO, we also offer both ingredients for your homemade recipes and ready-to-use products . Here is a quick overview of the advantages and disadvantages of each way of getting your beauty care!

Are homemade cosmetics worth the commercial ones?

Control of product composition:is DIY THE solution?

Cosmetics brands are trying to communicate more and more around the ingredients that make up their deodorants, shampoos, make-up products, etc., but also to reduce the share of controversial substances. However, it is still very common to find a long list of scientific names on the back of products that you don't really understand!

From this point of view, homemade cosmetics clearly have the advantage:from raw products , which are often natural ingredients, you choose yourself what will make up your hair care or your shower gel for example.

However, be careful not to demonize cosmetic products to buy already prepared online or in store! Many of them, like at NUOO, have an all-natural composition, with a restricted and easy-to-understand list of ingredients .

Doing it yourself:the only way to get personalized care?

Allergies, atypical skin problems, want an organic beauty product with the scent that suits you? Sometimes, commercial cosmetics do not precisely meet these needs. The Do It Yourself is then an interesting way to compose a care perfectly adapted to your own beauty routine . For example, you can make a mixture of vegetable oils for your skin, add essential oils to take advantage of their benefits and smells, add butters such as shea butter, choose to exclude certain components to which you are allergic. , etc.

But if you feel the need to make your own 100% personalized recipes , maybe it's because you haven't found the product or brand that's right for you yet. There is currently such an offer of beauty products, that it is indeed possible that you have missed out on the one that will sublimate your hair, really take care of your skin or restore radiance to your face, without any inconvenience. . Be aware that there are very specific treatments suitable for a large majority of concerns (dry skin, brittle hair, sensitive gums, mature skin, etc.). If a commercial cosmetic product seemed ineffective, even bad for your health, this does not mean that they will all be equally unsuitable!

Battle for the preservation of the environment:who wins the match?

Another argument that often plays in favor of Do It Yourself is its ecological bias. But you will see that this statement must in fact be qualified!

Going zero-waste:homemade or ready-to-use cosmetics?

We see everywhere flourishing the idea that waste reduction goes through the production of homemade products. This is partly true, whether you buy the base ingredients in bulk or source directly from Mother Nature. But it must be admitted that stores offering the necessary for your recipes, without producing any waste, are still rare. Difficult for example to make a solid shampoo without first buying packaged powders, surfactants and oils. It is however not impossible, and it must be recognized that it remains more favorable to the environment than the purchase of plastic shampoo bottles.

However, those who wish to move to zero-waste by limiting constraints can also count on the commitment of many brands. Shampoos, deodorants and solid soaps, washable make-up remover discs, refillable organic make-up containers:there are many alternatives to more conventional products .

Using ecological beauty products:easier with DIY?

If you are looking for healthy and environmentally friendly cosmetics , you are surely already used to turning to natural ready-to-use products, from organic farming and without components considered harmful. There are many beauty products today that proudly display their trust-inspiring labels. And for some, you can actually buy them with your eyes closed! But for others, the “organic” or “100% natural” labels can hide practices that seriously undermine respect for the environment. A product can for example be completely natural, but come from overexploited soils, contribute to deforestation or consume an astronomical amount of water. When buying commercial cosmetics, it is therefore important to know where each ingredient comes from of the product if you want to be sure not to harm the environment. The lack of information sometimes makes this task very difficult.

This is one of the reasons why DIY is more environmentally friendly:you buy each product individually, often having the opportunity to find out more easily where it came from and how it was made . This is particularly the case for the products marketed by WAAM Cosmetics to make your own home care. Neutral bases, vegetable oils, essential oils, clays, active ingredients:a broad description and an identity sheet ensure transparency and help you make the right choices. discover 5 good reasons to fall for WAAM Cosmetics!

Homemade beauty products:more or less dangerous than commercial ones?

Care, gels, shampoos and other deodorants sold on the market are widely criticized for their potential harmfulness. It is true that the composition of some of them is far from impeccable. But beware:homemade cosmetics are not safe , and it is essential to take special precautions!

The expertise of cosmetic product manufacturers:a point not to be overlooked

Do you like following DIY recipes found on beauty blogs? Do you blindly follow the doses and types of products used? So maybe reconsider your approach. Indeed, even if some recipes are very well designed and safe, you should know that you cannot improvise yourself as a cosmetics manufacturer.

The natural ingredients are not always synonymous with the absence of risk:essential oils should, for example, be used sparingly, or even avoided if you are prone to certain conditions. In addition, be aware that certain mixtures can create reactions. Even with natural products, chemistry is indeed doing its job! This is why it is essential to respect the dosages and to check the pH of the finished product when recommended, by following recipes designed by experts or very knowledgeable people. Do not forget that commercial cosmetic products are also subjected to numerous laboratory tests to check that they are healthy, something you cannot do at home!

However, DIY is not to be banned, but multiple precautions must be taken. If in doubt, it is therefore better to turn to commercial products, manufactured by cosmetics professionals.

Attention to the preservation of homemade products

Another black point of homemade cosmetics is their shelf life . If in some commercial treatments you notice the presence of preservatives and stabilizers, it is not without reason! If you want to make "minute" products, the problem does not really arise. On the other hand, to prepare treatments to keep, you will have to be vigilant on several points:

  • use of disinfected bottles , if necessary tinted and/or allowing to avoid contact with the air;
  • adding preservatives to the preparation in adequate dose, which can be natural (grapefruit seed extract, vitamin E, leucidal, etc.);
  • refrigerated storage for certain moisturizing milks, oils and active ingredients;
  • labeling of the product (day of manufacture and use-by date in particular).

Cosmetic products at home or to buy:which ones should be preferred?

As you will have understood, we cannot make a Manichaean opposition between home care and commercial cosmetics. Here is what to remember about these two types of beauty and hygiene products:

  • A homemade cosmetic product leaves you free to integrate the ingredients of your choice;
  • Customizing treatments is much easier thanks to DIY, but you will also find treatments perfectly adapted to your needs in stores;
  • A commercial preparation is not necessarily more harmful:just look closely at its composition;
  • respect for the environment within your beauty routine is above all the use of zero-waste products and the verification of the origin of the ingredients, whether it is homemade cosmetics or to buy ready-made;
  • For an effective and safe result, it is advisable to trust beauty specialist brands or take all the necessary precautions when making your recipes.