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Cosmetics:the organic boom

In the press, in television news, on the internet, organic products are popular . Why such an interest ? Quite simply because the French are increasingly looking for what is better for their health. But organic is not only on our plates. Organic or natural hygiene and beauty products are increasingly in demand. Organic cosmetics reassure and seduce French women who are more and more sensitive to responsible products. Better for the health, better assimilated by the skin, less aggressive, organic cosmetics are good for us. Cosmetics:the organic boom

The trend of organic cosmetics

NUOO wanted to know more about the relationship between French women and organic or natural hygiene and beauty products through a study carried out by Ifop by self-administered online questionnaire from September 6 to 10, 2018 with a sample of 1,047 women, representative of the female population aged 18 and over. So what are the most popular organic and natural cosmetic products? Is the price of these products still a barrier today? Which age groups are attracted to organic and natural cosmetics? In collaboration with Laure Friscourt, Director of the Beauty and Consumer Goods division of Ifop, we decipher the results of this survey!

All age groups are seduced by organic or natural cosmetics

According to the Ifop study, women aged 50 to 64 are those who bought the most organic or natural cosmetic products in 2017, with a percentage of 65%. Young women feel also concerned, by their health but also by the negative impact of conventional beauty products on the environment . Indeed, one in two young women aged 18 to 24 bought organic or natural cosmetic products in 2017.
The purchase of natural cosmetics is therefore not a trend reserved for older women. Today, all age groups are seduced by these products made from natural ingredients and it must be recognized that this phenomenon noted by the study is quite recent!

Organic or natural cosmetics mainly appreciated by CSP+

69% of French women who buy cosmetic products and hygiene from organic or natural ingredients are part of the socio-professional category “executives and higher intellectual professions”.
But the study shows that this phenomenon is in the process of being reduced and all socio-professional categories are now buying organic or natural cosmetic products, which Laure Friscourt confirms to us. And even if gaps are still present, we can say that awareness is total!

Politics and organic:which party is more sensitive to organic or natural cosmetics?

According to the results of the Ifop study, 80% of French women with a political closeness to the left have already used organic or natural cosmetic products compared to 60% for right-wing parties. This phenomenon can be explained by the historical sensitivity of left-wing parties towards ecology and more broadly sustainable development, even if today all parties are concerned by this subject. Not surprisingly, 83% of French women belonging to the party Europe Ecologie les Verts recognize that they buy organic or natural cosmetics to preserve the environment.

The popular organic/natural cosmetic for direct application to the skin (face &body)

organic or natural face care products popular since these are the most used products (57%). Hygiene products for the face are also attractive at 57% and body care at 58%. Products that are applied directly to the skin are therefore the most purchased. These products, which are better assimilated by the skin, less aggressive and pleasant to use, therefore have a bright future ahead of them.“This trend is explained by women's sensitivity to applying products directly to the skin, the material will be by the epidermis. Organic cosmetics are reassuring for sure. » explains Laure Friscourt, Director of the Beauty and Consumer Goods Department at Ifop. Cosmetics:the organic boom Organic or natural face and body products are not the only ones experiencing growing success. Indeed, hair products are also among the most purchased (55%).“This figure is explained by the growing supply of organic or natural hair products on the market. A massive supply which therefore creates a stronger demand. » comments Laure Friscourt.

Why buy an organic cosmetic product:the motivations of French women

When French women are asked why they buy organic or natural cosmetics, 3 reasons come to mind. The first is of course because they want to take care of their body (64%) with a product not resulting from chemical manipulations. The second is that they want effective products (60%) for their body and finally, the third motivation that drives French women to buy organic cosmetics is their desire to preserve the environment (56%). Cosmetics:the organic boom

What are the barriers to buying organic or natural cosmetics today?

The main obstacle to the purchase of organic cosmetics for 63% of French women and largely in the lead is their price, as is often the case for all organic products. But this is not the only obstacle. 46% of French women consulted for this Ifop study also indicated that the lack of guarantees on the naturalness of products is a hindrance for them. The introduction of logos and charters should remedy this obstacle, which is still very present, but consumers still need to have confidence...
And finally, they are still 40% to think that organic cosmetics are not effective. However, it should be noted that if the efficiency at the beginning of organic cosmetics was not always there, the progress made today allows brands to offer very specialized formulas that compete with conventional cosmetics. They are constantly innovating with natural alternatives to conventional products, they are developing their laboratory and using clinical tests to prove the effectiveness of their organic or natural products. Today mentalities are changing and we can notice that the effectiveness of organic/natural products is one of the main obstacles but also one of the main motivations for buying! Cosmetics:the organic boom

The conclusion of Laure Friscourt, Director of the Beauty and High Consumption Department of Ifop

The final word will be for Laure Friscourt. She confirms that the study shows a great dynamic of organic and naturalness in the field of beauty. But she also notes that there is still some mistrust in buying organic or natural products on the part of consumers.Laure Friscourt tells us that with the democratization of organic or natural cosmetics , small businesses can now find their place in this market. This emergence of INDIE BRANDS comes directly from the USA. These are small brands that manage to take market share with a very agile business model via e-commerce platforms that are less expensive than physical stores.

NUOO's motivations to work with organic cosmetics

For 5 years, NUOO has unearthed the best organic cosmetics with clean compositions to make natural beauty accessible to all. Conventional cosmetics are full of chemicals and are too harsh on the skin and hair. You can quickly get lost in the face of all the organic beauty products on offer, which is why we only offer cosmetics whose effectiveness is proven and which do not attack the body! In addition, we only work with brands committed to the planet or to animals (ranging from zero waste brands to vegan brands).

And zero waste?

Solid cosmetics are more and more numerous, and it's better time! Our mission is to offer you cosmetics that are both full of natural ingredients and whose ecological impact is reduced to a minimum. We offer a whole range of solid cosmetics:shampoos, soaps, make-up remover oil, cleansers, toothpaste, deodorants...

Remember:the best waste is the one that doesn't exist , solid organic cosmetics are therefore an excellent alternative that also saves space in the bathroom! We also offer soap holders, tote bags and pouches.

Vegan cosmetics

Since we are sensitive to animal welfare, we are constantly expanding our range of vegan cosmetics. We offer beauty products with multiple certifications:vegan, one voice or cruelty-free. Because taking care of yourself doesn't have to mean making others suffer!

And you, what do you think of organic cosmetics? What are your favorite organic skincare products? Share essentials in the comments and tell us what treatments you would like to see landed at NUOO!

NUOO is a sponsor of this study. NUOO is the beauty box and the e-shop for natural and organic cosmetics. Find our monthly beauty box.

Cosmetics:the organic boom Cosmetics:the organic boom