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Funeral:how to dress for this day of mourning?

Funerals are not an easy time to live... Sometimes, we do not know how to approach this day, and in particular what clothes to wear to be respectful. Don't panic, we are here to help you.

Funeral:how to dress for this day of mourning?

Funerals are never an easy time to live. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to go through that. And you have to respect a certain dress code to go to a funeral.

And that's what's the problem for you:you have no idea what to wear so as not to stain . But in reality, for men, it's not very complicated. Except if these funerals are of a particular religion... We explain everything to you.

What to wear for a funeral?

Generally, we opt for a black corridor costume r with a white shirt. You can, if you wish, add a tie. Of course, you can choose our suit in gray, or dark blue . Subdued colors are preferred during a ceremony. The shirt can also be a darker color.

Today, the ceremonies are no longer as traditional as they were then. It's not uncommon to see men arriving at a funeral in jeans and sneakers . The important thing is to keep colors neutral to express your mourning. In summer, you can wear a shirt and light canvas pants, for example. It is recommended to avoid shorts. Know that you can also add a pair of sunglasses.

However, everything depends on the family and entourage of the deceased. Some will prefer that you come dressed as usual, others will be more conventional. Sometimes, the family dresses in white rather than black, to celebrate life. Again, the decision is individual.

This is valid if you are Orthodox, Catholic or Protestants.

What to wear at a Buddhist funeral?

Among Buddhists, the deceased and his family are generally dressed in white , while others present must wear black. The deceased person must not have too extravagant an outfit. Simplicity is favored in terms of clothing. However, flowers are a central part of these funerals.

What to wear at a Muslim funeral?

Among Muslims, the rule is simple:dress modestly. Do not wear things that are too flashy. If you are of another faith, avoid openly wearing your religious symbols. As elsewhere, respect is essential in this kind of moment.

Find some examples of outfits for a funeral in our slideshow.