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How to dress for an interview ?

Job interview:dress according to the type of job you are applying for

The first rule of thumb for dressing well for a job interview is to fit the job. You won't choose the same outfit if you're applying for a job as a secretary or if you want to get hired by an advertising or design agency. In the first case, it is better to opt for a sober and classic outfit. In the second, on the contrary, the employer will expect a minimum of creativity and originality from you, as well as proof that you are up to date in terms of trends.

The suit:a safe bet for a job interview

Not sure what to wear for your job interview? Or you do not know very well the codes of the company in which you are applying? To be sure not to make a mistake, bet on the tailor. This understated, chic and elegant outfit is perfect for waking up the working girl in you. Now it's up to you to choose which type of suit you feel most comfortable in:skirt suit or trouser suit?

A few discreet accessories for a successful job interview

For your job interview, did you opt for an outfit in accordance with company codes, or a suit? To add a little touch of personality and originality to your outfit (this is ultimately what all recruiters are looking for!), bet on accessories, or rather on a particular accessory. The idea is that your recruiter will remember you via this accessory:the girl with the superb necklace, the girl with the flashy earrings, the girl with the Arty shoes... Be sure to select your accessory carefully:you have to show that you have taste (to you branded items!), but do not overdo it, at the risk of appearing bling-bling.