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How to dress for an interview ?

Before going to a job interview, it is important to prepare well. And this organization also goes through the choice of the outfit that we will wear. Here are our tips to put the odds on your side.

How to dress for an interview ?

A job interview is often a stressful event. To minimize this anxiety, it is better to leave prepared. And we're not just talking about your knowledge of the position, the company or your skills. We also talk about your clothing choice.

Because yes, if that is obviously not everything, appearance plays a role in the first impression that you will give:your look may be analyzed as much as your CV.

The objective:to adapt

To dress well for an interview, you must above all show that you will have no problem adapting to the work environment . If you are applying for a so-called "office" job, for example, opt for a formal and classic look. If you are interviewing for field or manual work, prefer a more casual look that conforms to your potential future functions.

If you've chosen an office job, but it's a start-up or a company with a "young" image, then you can try a casual-chic style. The idea is to "model" yourself on the looks of people already working in the company you are keen to integrate.

A sober and formal look

To create a formal look, you will need a understated suit , adjusted and of course, clean. Black, navy blue and gray are the colors to favor. With this costume, wear a white shirt (well ironed), a tie rather sober (avoid colors that are too bright). Opt for leather shoes (oxfords, for example), socks of the same color as your suit, and to finish it off, a belt the same color as your shoes.

A casual but professional look

If you want field or manual work, avoid overly formal looks . Opt for jeans adjusted , classic (no washout) and dark . Wear it with a plain shirt . For this one, avoid colors that are too bright and be sure that it is your size. Finally, finish the outfit with comfortable but elegant shoes , like leather boots, derbies with rubber soles, or simple sneakers.

A casual-chic look

If you want to try a casual chic look, you can simply opt for a formal look (with suit and shirt) by leaving the tie and replacing brogues with moccasins . The other option is to wear chinos (black, navy, or taupe preferred), white long-sleeved shirt, leather belt, and matching shoes. You can even add a blazer to the outfit to make it dressier.