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Back from vacation and beauty advice for the start of the school year

Back from vacation and beauty advice for the start of the school year

You and your skin have taken on new habits on vacation. Change in food, climate, rhythm. Often drier at the end of the summer, sometimes prone to rashes due to the sun, sea water or swimming pool, the skin must renew itself, … In short, after your holidays, your skin has just need to find your rhythm! Below are some beauty tips for the start of the 2021 school year .

Returning from vacation and resuming good habits

Before talking about the use of skin products, it is essential to first resume healthy habits. Our advice would be to limit alcohol consumption, to have the most complete nights possible, to eat well and to stay hydrated. Water and balanced food are absolutely essential for the skin.
Once you have set out to hydrate and balance your body from within, it is important to use the right products for the current situation. of your skin. To help you get back on track, here are some recommendations for reviving your jet-lagged skin.

Beauty tips for back to school

We cannot say enough how important it is to have an accurate diagnosis of your skin. If you have any doubts, refer to our article which will help you. The very first thing to do when returning from vacation is a face and body scrub to rid the skin of excess tan that clogs the skin unnecessarily. The second thing is to nourish and hydrate it again and again.

Beauty tips for the eyes after the holidays

It's the end of the holidays ! And to look good at the office, here are the must-have products of the moment.
To have revived and awakened eyes, use Regards d’emois .
This product based on dates and hyaluronic acid is a special contour for the eye showing signs of fatigue and stress. Enriched with skin-beneficial ingredients, it's just what you need to flaunt your usual revitalized appearance.

A cream full of benefits

Have you spent a little too much time under the sun's rays and your face is now lacking in hydration? The Beautiful Cream comes to your aid. This nourishing cream is the ultimate daily skincare product and its ingredients help skin restore and heal from damage caused by free radicals and sun exposure. Apply it every morning in light smoothing movements, on a perfectly clean and dry face and neck.

How to be beautiful from head to toe for back to school?

Exfoliating the body is a great way to get rid of accumulated toxins in the skin like excess tan and get rid of loose dry skin. It stimulates the body's circulation and gives it unparalleled relaxation. To do this, use the desert sand scrub and make circular movements from the feet to the arms. To be used once or twice a week on the whole dry body. Rinse carefully.
This scrub with ingredients of natural origin is enriched with argan oil for the good pleasure of your skin.

You are ready to resume your daily routine and regain your usual pretty face. With your body relaxed and your skin healthy, you have everything you need to be the most beautiful this fall 2021 .