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Fit and motivated for the start of the school year!

Yes, summer is over, this season that we have been waiting for for months, is going by at breakneck speed, giving way to the start of the new school year!

BACK TO SCHOOL... some people are waiting for it and others dread it because it is synonymous with stress, change, the arrival of autumn and the cold...

But back to school is a bit like the new year, it's always at this time that we decide to take good habits, like going to the gym, taking up running or discovering the yoga... To start a physical activity or to define new healthier resolutions, the start of the school year is the ideal time!

The ultimate goal is to give yourself every chance to discover a new passion or just to be the one you want.

All this requires energy, which is why this month, find in the BelleauNaturel box of the month, the perfect ally with ORGANIC Aronia berries, a powerful antioxidant to keep in shape!

A bit of culture, what are Aronia berries?

These are small fruits that visually resemble blueberries and are part of the Rosaceae family, native to North America. Very rich in vitamin C, they are known for their antioxidant properties, but would also help fight against cardiovascular diseases and protect the skin from damage caused by the sun. Because we have to admit it, in summer we like to expose ourselves and cultivate a pretty tanned complexion.

To be enjoyed as a snack, added to your cereal in the morning or, as I prefer, accompanied by a natural yogurt, a tablespoon each day gives us the energy for the whole day! Their tangy taste can go very well with salads at the end of the summer season by giving them a surprising and slightly sweet taste...

Always full of good ideas, the start of the new school year can make you want to be creative, it's up to you to try to combine it according to your taste and share your discoveries with us! Because these berries, which are still unknown in France due to their taste and nutritional qualities, deserve to be used more to accompany our dishes.

Treat yourself, cultivate your well-being and your creativity so you will feel even more beautiful for this new school year!

Claire aka Pooky D'amour