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Hair:what are these new in-salon repair treatments?

The next generation of in-salon hair care deeply repairs the fiber and delivers results that last up to six weeks.

A quick reminder:hair is made up of three layers:the cuticle (=the outer envelope), the cortex (=the shaft) and the medulla (=the heart of the shaft). To repair in depth, the treatment must reach the cortex. In terms of technology, therefore, extremely small molecules are needed, so that they penetrate and settle in the cortex. This allows the hair to be cared for where it needs it and above all, the molecules wash out less quickly.

Except that… Given that we wash our hair once or several times a week and that the water eliminates the active ingredients, how can a treatment last so long? “We limit hair loss by using, at home, products (shampoo, conditioner, serum) formulated with the same molecules as salon care:the hair is recharged, which allows its repairing effect to last much longer “, explains Delphine Courteille. The only limit? Again and again water, which ends up completely eliminating the skincare molecules (after six weeks).