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Skin:how to avoid shine?

Why does the skin glow? It's all because of sebum. Generated by the skin to protect itself, it is produced in excess when the skin is attacked or sensitized. It is therefore a warning signal that must be taken seriously, whether you have normal, dry, combination or oily skin. Good news:simple gestures can regulate this sebum production.

Hydrate the epidermis

A common mistake is to confuse hydration with nutrition. Hydration aims to provide skin, while nutrition is to provide fat (which acts as a barrier to water evaporation). Excess sebum often means that the skin lacks water, so it is important to moisturize it well morning and evening. You can opt for a lotion, to be used before the treatment (there are some for all skin types), a serum or a cream (which you can also choose for a matifying effect).

Thoroughly cleanse the skin

And by cleaning well, we mean:use a gentle product and do not scrub (cleansing brushes are great for this, as long as you do not press too hard). Products formulated for oily skin may over-cleanse the skin and remove all of its sebum. This is a problem because the skin will react by producing even more sebum (since it considers that the quantity produced before is not enough). It's the same if you use a soft product but you rub like crazy. Cleaning in the evening is more than enough, and you can use a cotton pad + micellar water in the morning if you feel the need.

Exfoliate regularly

In addition to cleansing, the skin (and pores) must be rid of dead cells. Once again, the watchword is gentleness, to prevent the skin from producing even more sebum to defend itself. We choose a mechanical (=with beads) or enzymatic (=it's a chemical reaction that exfoliates the epidermis) exfoliation, depending on your skin type and its sensitivity and we mainly target the T zone. And we stick to a regular rhythm:once a week at least, twice if the skin is combination or oily.

Pay attention

When you have shiny skin, you have to pay more attention to certain situations, because the skin reacts immediately:when it's hot, when you're exposed to the sun (you have to systematize the use of an SPF and choose a sunscreen light or even suitable for oily skin), when you drink alcohol or eat spicy food. There, the skin may react, so we think of having mattifying papers on you to avoid shine.