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Dutch mink breeders named Dom Bontje 2016

The Dutch mink breeders have been voted Dom Bontje 2016 in the election of Dom Bontje. Rappers Lil'Kleine and Boef finished in second and third place respectively with their fur collars for which coyotes were caught with painful leghold traps. Former mayor Onno Hoes was also nominated for crawling into someone else's cover and finishes in fourth place; it doesn't seem to bother him that the raccoon dogs are anally electrocuted by his collar just for their fur and sometimes even skinned alive. Closers are Everon Jackson Hooi with his fur collar of coyote fur again and singer Rolf Sanchez with his fur collar of raccoon dog fur. Singer Natalie La Rose was also initially nominated. As a result of the nomination, she has decided never to wear fur again.

Nicole van Gemert, director of Bont voor Dieren:“It is unique that the public did not opt ​​for a well-known Dutch person this year, but massively for the 160 mink breeders who kill six million mink a year for their fur. Although there is a mink breeding ban from 2024, until then they will knowingly continue to mistreat minks in small cages. In the month of December we showed images of abuses time and again. The mink breeders also refuse to accept a ban. That is why they are by far the truly Domme Bontjes of 2016.”