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Dutch man least vain

Dutch man least vain

The Dutch man is the least vain of all European countries, according to a study by Head &Shoulders.

The shampoo giant asked 9,371 European men about what the men are mainly concerned about. And what turned out? The hair was only voted by 7 percent as the least attractive part of the body † More than 40 percent chose the belly (read:the beer belly).

The most remarkable result from the survey really came from the Dutch men:almost one in five men (19 percent) seldom thinks about his appearance

Have you always been curious what the Dutch man thinks of first when he wakes up?
– 17 percent think of their partner first †
– 15 percent are already focused on their work
– 14 percent engage in eating immediately upon waking up †
– 8 percent immediately think of sex

Men about women
The Dutch man is very clear about the feminine qualities:he thinks the most important qualities of a woman are honesty (36 percent) and loyalty (35 percent). With only 0.9 percent, appearing prosperous is in last place.

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