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Special detox:5 tips to revitalize in 2016!

Special detox:5 tips to revitalize in 2016!
Lacking energy for the start of the 2016 school year?

To be in the starting blocks this winter, here are 5 easy tips to follow to be in top shape.

Special detox:5 tips to revitalize in 2016!
1- Sleep, sleep and especially sleep…

We can't say it enough, a good night's sleep is essential to maintain your energy level.
In order to promote a restful night, we will first avoid exercising late in the day.
Refrain from excessive consumption of products containing caffeine, tea and alcohol, especially in the evening.
In addition, keep away everything that can occupy the mind such as reading, television but also the PC.
Prefer instead a relaxing hot bath before bedtime, this ritual ideally prepares the body for sleep.

2- Balance your blood sugar

To avoid the highs and lows, make sure to eat protein at every meal.
Remember to include complex carbohydrates such as oats, wholemeal bread as well as pasta, fruits, vegetables, beans and lentils.
They provide the body with a perfect source of progressive energy throughout the day.

Thus, it prevents you from “breaking down” and throwing yourself on a package of cakes!

Special detox:5 tips to revitalize in 2016!
3- Increase your energy nutrients

The body needs vitamins and minerals to convert food into energy.
B vitamins are essential for the production of the latter.
Another nutrient of particular importance is vitamin C.
Finally, iron is necessary because it helps transport oxygen to the heart of our cells.

4- Move!

While 'exercise' is a dirty word to some, we can't stress enough that 30 minutes a day of activity like walking, cycling, or swimming energizes our body quickly.
Physical activity reduces stress, has a positive effect on our mood and our metabolism.
The good resolution for 2016:practice half an hour of walking every day, during your lunch break for example, or fit into your schedule an exercise session (30 min) before having breakfast. lunch…
And presto, you will immediately see the difference.

Special detox:5 tips to revitalize in 2016!
5- Don't forget to drink

It is important to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.
Water of course but also the consumption of infusions is recommended.
Furthermore, fruits and vegetables are also very rich in water, so do not hesitate to overdo it.
5 fruits and vegetables a day =hottie!