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Dutch woman insecure in swimsuits

Almost 60% of Dutch women feel insecure in swimwear. The Dutch woman gives herself an average of only 5.9. Other women find them more attractive. These get an average of 6.6. Men give the Dutch women in swimwear an average of 6.9! The Dutch man is also pleased with himself. Unlike the women, he finds himself even more attractive than other men. Men in swimming trunks rate themselves with a score of 6.6. Other men have to make do with almost a whole point less:a 5.8. This is evident from The Sting's swimwear research.

The study also looked at the effect of being in a relationship on self-confidence. What seems? Dutch people in a relationship feel more confident than singles. 63% of Dutch people in a relationship feel confident in swimwear. This percentage is almost 10% lower for singles. Just over half (54.3%) of single Dutch people feel confident about themselves. Both single men and single women feel more insecure than men or women with a partner.

Uncertainty does not stop the Dutch from walking around in bathing suits on holiday. This is apparent from the activities they undertake in this clothing. Besides swimming and sunbathing, there is also eating, drinking, partying and flirting in swimwear. Almost 20% do not even exchange their swimwear for sightseeing or shopping.