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1 in 3 Dutch men wear worn-out underwear

Men have a hard time saying goodbye to their trusted underwear. As many as 1 in 3 (37%) of Dutch men regularly wear worn-out underpants. Even though the holes fall into it, they keep walking around with it. This is apparent from research by Zeeman, who wanted to know whether the man's underwear is really that bad. A total of 1,225 women were surveyed in four countries. In the Netherlands this was 305 women. They were also asked why and this is what men give as the reason according to these women:

38% don't care about underwear
29% think the old underpants are so comfortable
33% don't feel like spending time in them
19% don't even notice that they are worn
12% are very attached to it

What do the women think?
I sometimes say something like 34%
I throw away his (too) worn-out underpants 59%
I buy him new underwear 51%
Nothing, I don't care / that's his choice 10%