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Women unpack with party makeup

Women unpack with party makeup

The holidays prove to be the ideal opportunity to go all out with make-up. For the men, however, this does not have to be the case…

Research by drugstore chain Etos among 500 women and 500 men shows that the opinions about party makeup vary widely. For example, the majority of women go out with eye-catching make-up during Christmas † Most men prefer that they dress up like they do on a "normal" day.

Festive Splurge
Women are spending an average of €39 this year on beauty products and accessories † During the holidays, women feel sexiest when their hair is all right (46 percent) and their makeup is super festive (10 percent).

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Notable: during the holidays, women spend only seven minutes longer in front of the mirror than on normal days. Smoky eyes , blush and glitter in the hair are the most frequently mentioned additions for a festive look. In addition, many women take the holidays for nails, they buy a new outfit and go to the hairdresser.

Men easily satisfied
Men quickly turn out to be satisfied with the festive look from their partner. More than a quarter of men think their partner is beautiful on 'normal' days and she can look the same during the holidays. Still sweet.

Only 11 percent of men want their partner to dress in sexy clothes with high heels and beautiful make-up during Christmas † More than 20 percent of men would rather his wife pay more attention to him than to her appearance.