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Women want a smooth, shaved look in men in 2017

2016 sees a diverse range of trends in the world of facial hair for men, but 42% of women choose stubble as their favorite look for 2016, while 51% prefer men who are clean-shaven. As we approach 2017, more than half of women (55%) want their other half to embrace the clean-shaven look that was so popular in 2016! This is shown by Braun's research among 4,000 women worldwide. 61% of women have revealed that they would much rather cuddle with a clean-shaven man under mistletoe this Christmas, while only 1% have opted for a man with a mustache!

Women Reveal Key Traits of an Ideal Mate...
Three-quarters of women say that a well-groomed appearance is the key attribute of an ideal mate, with one in three (35%) women saying they give their other half a compliment. razor as a subtle wink to keep them in style. This is not surprising because almost half of the women (43%) have said that they like their celebrity crush better with a clean-shaven look!

How men and women prioritize their grooming regimes…
Men are becoming more and more focused on their grooming regimens, while women still dominate the bathroom; 47% agree that the number of shaving, beauty and style products they own has remained stable or increased since five years ago. One in three (35%) say men have added products to their grooming and styling routine in their lifetime.