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Face:it's decided, I'm doing a peeling!

Marked skin, wrinkled, dilated pores, redness, fine lines that are accentuated, it is no longer possible, you have to react. However, you no longer believe, or only moderately, in the power of tightening treatments and other exfoliating creams, no, you are convinced of it, only a facial peel will allow you to stop thinking about the question. Here is some essential information before pushing the door of a dermatologist. First…

What is the peel for?

Clearly, to rejuvenate. Finally to give a facelift to his skin, you see the nuance. The peel is used to eliminate dead cells, fine lines and shallow marks but also brown spots, especially those due to the pregnancy mask. Peeling also has the significant advantage of treating and preventing the appearance of small pimples. More generally, it can be used as a treatment for acne. A peeling will help the skin of the face to re-oxygenate, its texture will be finer and therefore your skin will be softer. Yes, it's very tempting!

What type of peel?

There are several types of peeling depending on the age and pigmentation of the skin. The peel therefore extends from the light (or superficial) peel to the deep peel reserved for scars and deep marks, passing through the medium peel used most often as a treatment for acne. Most often we use the light peeling method because it is less abrasive for the skin, but again it all depends on our face. But already, know it, peeling in summer? No ! The thin layer of epidermis removed would expose you too much to the dangers of the sun. The best times of the year to practice this treatment remain and will remain autumn and winter. But let's come back for a moment to the light peeling, the one you are thinking of doing. The substance used is mainly glycolic acid; it is the latter that will destroy the upper layers of the epidermis. Note that in salons, the concentration cannot exceed 30%, where at the dermatologist, it can go up to 70%.

How is a peel performed?

The peel is performed in an aesthetic center or at a dermatologist. It is a quick treatment since it only lasts on average about thirty minutes. Be careful, it is strongly recommended to stop retinol-based creams one week before your appointment. The goal being to no longer hydrate the skin and above all to no longer irritate it, the peeling will take care of this sufficiently.

On the day of the treatment, of course, you will not be wearing makeup even if the doctor is going to perform a complete cleaning of your face. After which, we are there, he will apply a pre-peeling then finally the glycolic acid concentrate (varying between 20 and 70%); this is where the treatment becomes less pleasant since the acid will make the skin tingle and heat up for a few minutes, but don't panic, it's obviously tolerable. After that, the dermatologist will spray you with thermal spring water all over your face before finishing the treatment by re-hydrating the skin with a soothing cream.

The days following the peeling?

There it's done ! At the end of the peeling, we are all dewy or even a little red for very reactive skin but after an hour, the redness will fade to gradually disappear. In the days that follow, the skin may begin to peel, it will then be necessary to moisturize it regularly, but very quickly the “healthy glow” effect will appear and intensify as the sessions progress; three to six sessions spaced 15 days apart will be necessary for optimal results. So obviously in consultation with your dermatologist, if you don't like the idea of ​​coming back several times, you can opt for the medium peeling with trichloroacetic acid (TCA) which in a single session (billed at 300 and 400€) will revive your complexion. . But if this is your choice, know that you will have to endure a week of healing which, let's be clear, will require you to stay at home with a tube of healing cream in your hand. You know everything!