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Wearing or not wearing color in your clothes, what type are you?

I've been wearing a lot of black for most of my life. In combination with jeans and gray or white. Or just black, that's also possible, but those are the shades I usually wear. So you can say that I don't wear much color in my clothes. Sometimes I also have certain earth tones that I feel happy in, but my wardrobe doesn't really go much further. With a few exceptions perhaps. I figured out what color type I am to see if I might be able to let myself go this summer. On the condition that I feel a bit better about myself, because only then do I dare to let myself go a bit more when it comes to colors in clothing. Do you recognize that?

Table of Contents

What color-type am I?

Are you someone who likes to wear color in your clothes, or are you also such a colorless type like me 😉 . That sounds a bit disrespectful, but of course it's a joke. Still, I would secretly like to wear a different color, but I'm not that brave. While I think I can have quite a bit of color according to 'the rules', because it depends on what color type you are. I'm still looking for some nice long summer dresses to stroll in the coming season, but now I really want to delve into the colors that suit me best. Before I buy something again that will hang in the closet.

When researching what color type I am, I was actually done quickly. My suspicion was confirmed, I am an autumn type, if I read it all correctly.

What color-type are you?

To quickly provide you with some background information, I will briefly discuss the color types that are available, and then I will stick to the 4 seasonal types. On some websites you also read that there are up to 12 color types, but I limit myself here to the four seasons. So there is a reason that not every color suits you equally well and that has everything to do with the color type that you are, which is distributed over the seasons. So it may just be that you really can't handle your girlfriend's wardrobe because the colors don't suit you.

Winter type

You are a winter type if you have a light skin tone, with a blue undertone. With light skin you should think of pale to slightly tinted. Your hair is dark brown or black, again with a cool undertone. So you don't have a red glow in your hair.

Spring type

As a spring type, you have blond or slightly reddish hair and your skin has a warm undertone. You often have some freckles, especially if the shine is clean. Your eyes are usually blue, grayish, green or very light brown, which is also possible. You have light skin, but with a warm undertone.

Summer type

A summer type has a cool undertone, just like a winter type. Unlike a winter type, however, a summer type has light hair, ranging from light blonde to ash blonde. You also have light skin. You will not tan quickly and you will also bandage quickly if you do not use a good sunscreen. Summer types usually have blue eyes, but can also be greenish or grayish.

Autumn type

And then we come to the autumn type. Are you -like me- of the color type 'autumn' then you have brown hair. From dark blond to chocolate brown, all fall within the fall type palette. Your eyes are usually brown, but there are also autumn types with green eyes. You don't burn very quickly, but you don't tan very quickly either. Usually you need some time for it, but your tan will last for a long time!

What color type are you? Like me, do you quickly figure it out, or do you not find it so clear yet?

Which colors go with which color-type?

Colors for winter-type

A winter type looks for the best clothes in cool colors as you can see above. Pastel shades are not quite your thing, but you can wear very bright colors again, for example, as long as they have a cool undertone. For example, think of cobalt blue or emerald green. Red can also look good on you (just make sure it's a color red without a warm undertone). If you are wondering what color type you are, check whether the above shades 'pick up' your face. If so…. it's a match. By the way, keep in mind that as a winter type you can wear pastel-colored or cream-colored pants, as long as you get the color in your face from the above palette.


The colors that best suit the spring type can be found in the image above. Think of basic colors such as camel and brown or possibly a warm blue shade. Yellow, skin color and related shades (such as peach) also suit you well. Because your skin and hair have a warm undertone, it's important to stay in the warm tones you see above.

Palette of colors for summer-types

As a summer type, cool tones suit you and you can clearly see that in the color palette above. Green, purple and pink go very well with your skin color and you can also have blue tones. The of course often also fantastic for your eyes.

Colors for the fall-type

As an autumn type, the autumn colors generally look good on you. Actually, I secretly already knew this, because even though I wear a lot of black… it actually makes me a bit 'too hard'. Just like white. But I can really have the off white colors, cream tones and green. It's actually funny that – to buy new clothes – I found it necessary to assess what color type I am. While I already knew…

The right colors with the right color type; do you take this into account?

Now you know which colors suit you and your color type best. And now I'm also curious if you stick to that, or if you have colors in your basic wardrobe that don't match your color type at all? Let me know!