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What type of wrinkles do you have?

Lines, folds and wrinkles. We refer to them by so many names. To find out what kind of wrinkles you have and which treatment might be right for you, we've put together a handy guide for your face.

Nasolabial folds – Nasolabial folds are deep folds that run from both sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth. Nasolabial folds can be treated with minimally invasive treatments. These fillers fill in the wrinkles and can result in a natural-looking appearance.

Puppet lines – Also known as doll or drool lines, these lines extend from the corners of the mouth to the chin (think the ventriloquist's doll). Depending on the severity and desired result, the treatment may contain a dermal filler.

Crow's feet – As the production of elastin and collagen in our body decreases, fine lines and wrinkles appear on the sensitive skin around the eyes. Also called character lines, these wrinkles around the outer corners of the eyes can be addressed with injectables, such as Botox. Results can take up to 6 months.

Concern lines – These forehead wrinkles are the result of frowning the forehead. Frown lines are one of the most common areas of treatment for Botox patients.

Perioral lines – Often referred to as smoker's lines, the lines along the mouth set as a result of muscle movement and aging. Depending on the severity of your condition, a laser or filler treatment regimen may be recommended.

What causes wrinkles? Our skin loses volume due to the normal aging process. Collagen reserves in the skin are depleted and the production of essential moisturizing agents slows down, leading to less resilient skin. Wrinkling and premature aging can also be associated with cumulative sun exposure. Wrinkles can be exacerbated by:smoking, UV exposure,
stress and genetics.

Wrinkle and Rejuvenation Treatments
Laser resurfacing: this treatment option uses advanced laser technology to boost the body's collagen production and initiate the healing process. Lasers can address a variety of skin concerns, minimize wrinkles and correct sun-damaged skin.

Skin Fillers: dermal injections are minimally invasive, result in zero downtime and often provide rapid results. The minor procedures reduce wrinkles while increasing volume and adding a younger look to your beautiful face.

Cosmetic surgery: for individuals ready for a more aggressive intervention to address lax skin, surgery may be an option. With today's advanced techniques, facelifts can be performed that produce a subtle, yet dramatic improvement.