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Which underwear you wear shows what type of woman you are

bam. You didn't know that, that you can tell from your underpants what type of woman you are! This information is new to me too, but so far so good. I have already taken the test and I can tell you… my type of underpants does match my character traits!

Now I am of course also curious whether this 'underpants research' is also correct for you. Would you like to let us know?

Read also: such wrong underpants, do you have them too?

Table of contents

The 4 types of underpants of this test:

1. Cotton hipster

You are very humorous and laughter is everything to you. You love life, you see the fun in everything and above all you are a nice friend who is not rude but gently says what it is.

2. The String

You are a mega ambitious type if you like to wear a thong. Whether on a personal or business level, the ambition radiates from you. You don't miss the detours and you go straight to your goal, because after all via via only costs extra time and is pointless. You do feel an enormous love for your family and friends, they can always count on you in times of need.

3. The underpants with text on it

You're the girl among women, cute and kind of into music. A real radio listener who knows many songs by heart and who sings along. Moreover, a real animal lover.

4. De boxers

Do you prefer to wear boxers? Then you are positive and the teddy bear among your friends. Handling money is not a problem for you, you are good at it, dealing with time is a bit more difficult for you. You will be late rather quickly 😉 .

Read also: taboo on sexy lingerie

A different type of underpants than the above?

Of course, not all types of underwear are covered with the above 4 types. If you don't agree with wearing one of these types of underpants, then that says something about you too!

You do not intend to participate in any fashion whim. You wear what you find comfortable and that's that! In addition, you are a bit dreamy and you sometimes wonder whether you were born in the right time.

And now you 😉 !

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