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Shopping for a new summer wardrobe for your child(ren)? You have to think about this!

Summer is in the air again. Although the weather does not really suggest this so far. One thing is certain:things can turn around in the Netherlands. So you don't want to wait too long with shopping for summer clothes for your children. It's actually a lot of fun too. Every season, your favorite children's brands bring completely new children's brand clothing onto the market. And every mother knows:shopping for your children is even more fun than shopping for yourself.

Have your children grown enormously in the past year and do they hardly fit any of last year's clothes anymore? Then it is high time to go shopping. But what should you think about when you go shopping for a completely new summer wardrobe for your child(ren)? Let's take a look.

Children's summer-clothing, tips for putting together the best-fitting wardrobe

It is not always easy, but still important to be able to score the best items of children's clothing. With these tips you will certainly succeed!

Pass, pass and pass again

Admittedly, this is probably not the most fun activity for your child, trying on the children's summer clothes. It probably produces (a lot of) grumpy looks. However, it is necessary to determine which size your child will need this year. You probably still have children's clothes from last summer. Therefore, start by trying on a few items from that wardrobe. What sizes do they still fit? Which are tight? And which are really no longer possible? Based on that information, you can determine which size you need for the coming season.

Don't feel like grumbling from the kids? Then there is another good method to estimate which size you need. If your child has an average build, you can use the height measurement when estimating the correct clothing size. Not sure how tall your child will be at the end of the summer and you don't want to buy clothes that are too small? Then extend the growth curve of the health center to the age that your child will be in high summer. If your child always follows his or her own line, this gives a good indication of which size you will need for the coming season. That saves grumbling again and you'll have your wardrobe filled with the nicest summer clothes in no time! Moreover, it is also a handy method for estimating nice baby clothes sizes.

Read more: this is how warm you should dress your baby

View-with-your-child-online-at-the-children's summer-clothes

Partly due to the corona crisis, it is currently not easy to buy clothes in physical stores. A lot is happening online. That doesn't have to be a bad thing, but it is important to involve your child in making choices from a certain age. That saves a fight in the morning. How old your child must be for this depends entirely on his or her character. At the age of three, one child no longer wants to wear all the clothes that you have carefully chosen for him or her (been there, done that). And the other child is still fine with ten years if you shop his or her children's clothes for summer or winter.

Are you sure that your child is not the easiest when it comes to clothes? Then don't be guided by your own opinion, but look online together with your child. This way you not only gain insight into his or her clothing style, but you also know for sure that the clothing will simply be worn.