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Fill in your eyebrows; fuller eyebrows and more radiance

I am already blessed with fairly full eyebrows of my own. Yet I also notice some 'issues' in myself, so I like to spend some time filling in my eyebrows. More about that below. First I would like to point out that this blog is intended for those who are not completely satisfied with their eyebrows. Its color or its width/thickness. Would you like to fill in your eyebrows, but don't want to switch to getting your eyebrows tattooed? Then be sure to read on.

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Filling up eyebrows is very easy, as long as you have good products!

If you are bothered by your own eyebrows because they are, for example, very light in color. Or because you "used to" tweeze or thread your eyebrows a lot and now regret it. Then I now have a very nice product for you.

Subtly darken and fill eyebrows

As mentioned, I myself am blessed with reasonable eyebrows. Now I must also be honest that I do not epilate them very much. Except that I keep them on the bottom a bit, but that's really all. I actually think I could do with a little more shape. Anyway, I've never made real thin eyebrows out of it, so filling it up is more like updating it for me. Especially because the color of my eyebrows is also quite dark. But if you have waxed your eyebrows a lot in the past, I can well imagine that you would now like to darken them in a subtle way.

Using an eyebrow pencil

Of course, in that case you already know that you can use an eyebrow pencil for this. However, I am never very happy about that. I much prefer to work with a cream liner because it is much softer. In that case you get results with very little product and that is super nice. At the invitation of Pure Bellezza, I tested their cream liner for my eyebrows and a Brow shadow pallet. I would be happy to tell you more about that.

Working with a cream liner for your eyebrows

I really find working with a cream liner to fill in my eyebrows a lot more pleasant than working with a brow pencil. For starters, a cream liner is much softer, as I mentioned above. This gives you very fast results. In addition, you can apply the cream liner with a very nice thin brush so that you can aim really well. This allows me to achieve a much nicer and more natural result. Especially because it's important to me that I want to deepen the color a little bit, but don't want to add much.

The advantage of the cream liner itself is that it is a bit creamy (yes, duhuh, that's what the name says of course). But this also allows me to immediately shape my eyebrows well. This is the biggest challenge for me. I may have fairly full eyebrows, but they look a bit like they want to be. Just like my hair, my eyebrows are also quite stubborn so to speak 😉 .

Filling eyebrows and shaping them better

By using the cream liner I also immediately shape my eyebrows a bit better, in addition to filling them. If I don't do this, the hairs of my eyebrows will stand down a bit, giving me a somewhat grumpy expression. It's that I laugh a lot, because otherwise you could think that I'm quite often grumpy, haha. And luckily, because my drooping eyelids have been corrected, it is also less bad than it was. Yet.

Update eyebrows with a brow shadow

Did you know that brow shadow is a thing? I honestly didn't even know it existed. In the meantime, of course, and I would also like to say something about the use of the brow shadow.

I use the brow shadow for myself after the cream liner. Because the cream liner is black (also handy to put a line at your eyes by the way), I think it's nice to go over it with the dark brown brow shadow. This makes it look even more natural. Because I want to fill in my eyebrows, but I don't like those tight dark eyebrows that are completely full of 'fake' pigment. I don't like that. I still like a soft look with natural make up.

By putting the dark brown color over the cream liner I soften the look. In addition, with the wax, which is also in the brow shadow box, I can immediately give some extra firmness to the shape of my eyebrows. And that works well, because it keeps my eyebrows in place all day long. Finally, I put a little bit of the golden shine (middle color of the shadow box) just under my eyebrows, which gives me a slightly fresher look. And I'm done!

Filling my daughter's eyebrows

The browshadow has found another user by the way. Lotte also really likes to use these to fill in and enhance her eyebrows. Now I hear you thinking… her daughter? I may have to explain briefly. Lotte had a serious sledding accident when she was 5 years old during our skiing holiday. As a result, she has a scar about 6-7 inches above her eye through her eyebrow.

Fortunately, it doesn't bother her much, but sometimes - when she goes to chill for example - she likes to dress herself up a bit. And that includes filling in her eyebrows for her. The scar goes right through her eyebrow, so that no hairs grow there anymore. By default, the other hairs of her eyebrow fall slightly over it, but you can still see the difference because this spot is lighter. With the brow shadow she can update that very neatly.

Here you will find more information about Pure Bellezza products

Other ways to fill in your eyebrows

So there are also other ways to fill in your eyebrows. Consider, for example, permanent make-up. So tattooing the eyebrows. My sister had it done and I totally understand why. She has plucked so much of the eyebrows in her life that almost no eyebrow is left. Too bad, because this really makes your face look less attractive. It actually doesn't work enough for her to update.

I don't really like tattooing eyebrows for filling, but I can imagine that sometimes you don't see any other solution. And then it's nice that it's possible and that you don't have to stand in front of the mirror for a long time every day to touch up your eyebrows.