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lose 9 pounds; I feel much better and healthier!

It took years before I could finally find the button again. The button to make weight loss possible by eating healthier and exercising more. Just, simple. And yet difficult. I totally understand if you're in such a momentum right now that you don't think you're going to make it. Been there, done that. But now -in retrospect- I can say that it is still doable. You just have to do something for it. And let 😉 . I would like to take you along in my process of losing weight through healthier eating and more exercise. Who knows, I may be able to help you on your way!

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Lose weight by eating healthier and exercising more; basically everything has already been said

It may sound like a clincher, but actually I've said everything with the above text. Because no matter how difficult it is to start losing weight, it is still a matter of doing and persevering. I will first outline my situation, maybe you recognize yourself.

As a 49-year-old mother of two growing children and my own company, I am 'quite' busy. In addition, two years ago we bought a new house in the rural area and we are fully renovating. You would think that because of this you are always running and flying and that the pounds fly off. But alas, nothing could be further from the truth. Now I have to tell you that I have also been in the menopause for years. And what do they say about your weight? That's right. Everything is coming and nothing is going away.

Yet you can change this yourself with healthier food, so that you can lose weight, but above all you will feel more energetic and fitter. As a result, you get more done, you feel even more comfortable in your own skin and you will be showered with sweet compliments before you know it. Because everyone can see that you are comfortable in your own skin!

In the following way I have gone from 77.6 kilos to 68.6 kilos in the past few months. I've also seen the 68.2 on the scales, but I liked Christmas 😉 . In the new year I will just continue with healthier food and exercise and then that further weight loss with healthy food will also be fine.

Changing mindset is the most important if you want to live healthier and lose weight

Like I said, I've been hiccuping against my own body for years. Quite a few kilos too much and at the end of the year secretly a few kilos heavier than the year before. That's how it went in recent years. And yet I always think that I don't eat that much sweets, that I exercise quite a bit and I 'blame' my transition and age. But quite simply put, the blame lies with me. And I can see that very well now. If you want to lose weight, eating healthier and exercising more are at the top of the list. But just eating healthier is not enough. You should also pay attention to the amounts you eat and of course not (too much) sweets.

The moment I almost couldn't get my motorcycle pants closed anymore, the size was full. Buying new pants for the motorcycle? no way! Not only are they expensive, but it is also confrontational. So this was my moment that I could turn the switch.

To boost myself I started with Sonja Bakker and that helped me a lot. For several weeks I did exactly what was on the menu in her book. Of course that takes some getting used to in the first few days, but after that it went fine. No hunger and lots of variety. And that, I think, is the first point where it continued to go wrong for me. Eat the same food for breakfast and lunch every day.

Surprise your metabolism by eating varied and healthier foods and thereby losing weight

Even if you eat healthy, like I do my yogurt in the morning with walnuts and fruit. Eating this every day without variety is not so smart at all. It dulls your metabolism. This one knows exactly what is expected and will not be faced with surprises. Sonja taught me to eat yogurt one morning, then only an apple and the next day two crackers for breakfast, for example.

And by alternating more during all my eating moments and adjusting the portions to normal size, the weight loss went 'automatically' at a certain point. Of course not completely by itself because I did agree with myself that healthier eating should also be assisted by stopping sweets. I prefer to grab a handful of nuts when I'm hungry, which is why I buy them in bulk, because I also like to add them to a salad, for example. I buy this kind of bulk packaging online at my favorite shop for organic food and supplements, Superfoodstore. That way I'll never be without!

Big tip to maintain the weight loss better:a little on the weekends looser

What I have also learned is that the bow does not always have to be tense. It is perfectly fine to grab that one glass of wine at the weekend, for example. Because you can enjoy it that way, for example. And shall I tell you something? You enjoy much more of such a wine. Isn't it about that wine for you, but would you just really like to grab something really tasty with your coffee? That too is possible. Then you only need a week longer to reach your target weight. Or a month. That does not matter.

Exercise more to lose weight even faster than by eating healthier alone !

Because I was able to lose weight more easily because of the healthier food, I developed a 'craving' for more. Move more than I already did with all those walks with the dog. I've had a subscription to Basic fit for quite some time now, so it made sense to do more with it. I now go to the gym 4 times a week and sometimes go for a swim in the evening. And I still have to cross a threshold to go. But once I'm gone it's fine and when I get home? Then I feel all the better. Especially when I now and then look in the mirror and see what it does to my body.

Not only do I feel more energetic, I just look really better. A few more kilos and I'm sure I'll happily put on my bikini again. Instead of not feeling happy about it at all. And that's what it's all about. That you feel happy in your body and become healthier.