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This is how you prevent rashes on your face after exercise

When you exercise, you may find yourself developing pimples and rashes on your skin, which puts a damper on that post-workout glow. Exercising can cause excessive sweating, as well as a build-up of oil, dirt and bacteria on your skin — all of which can lead to breakouts. Despite this, people don't have to stop exercising to see clearer skin. The key is to maintain good hygiene before, during and after your workout.

To help prevent a rash caused by exercise, we recommend the following tips:

Put on clean, loose-fitting, moisture-wicking clothing that won't chafe your skin. Clothing and accessories that are too tight, such as headbands, bra straps or spandex garments, can cause a form of acne that occurs at the site of repeated rubbing.

Remove any makeup before exercising, as makeup can clog your pores. Use an oil-free make-up remover, wipe or micellar water to remove make-up from your face.

Before exercising outdoors, liberally apply sunscreen to skin not covered by clothing. Not only do the sun's harmful UV rays cause skin cancer and premature skin aging, unprotected exposure can also cause breakouts. This is because the sun dries out your skin, leading to more oil production. To help, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Look for formulas that are water resistant and labeled "oil-free," "non-comedogenic," or "won't clog pores."

Keep your skin dry during your workout. Use a clean towel to gently blot the sweat from your body, as rubbing your skin can trigger acne flare-ups.

Wipe shared equipment. Shared exercise equipment can be full of acne-causing bacteria and grime. Most gyms supply a cleaning spray or wipes to wipe down the equipment. Clean the equipment before and after training as a service to others.

Shower immediately after your workout. Use warm – not hot – water to remove sweat, dirt and oil from your skin. Wash skin with a mild cleanser labeled “oil-free,” “non-comedogenic,” or “will not clog pores.” However, if your skin tends to be oily and not dry, consider using a cleanser containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide instead. If you can't shower right away, wash your hands and wipe your face with a pad that contains salicylic acid. In addition, bring a spare t-shirt and take off your sweaty clothes.

After taking a shower, put on clean clothes and wash the dirty clothes, which are full of sweat and pore-clogging. Always wash your gym clothes between workouts.

Keep in mind that rashes and pimples can have many causes, including genetics, hormones, stress, and medications. If you still have pimples after following these tips, talk to your doctor, as there may be another cause.