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This is how you prevent a shiny forehead

This is how you prevent a shiny forehead

Does your forehead glow in the middle of the day? With these tips you can prevent a shiny face, or you can save the day.

Do not scrub too aggressively

Exfoliating gives your skin a non-greasy feeling, but scrubbing too often or too aggressively is counterproductive for glowing skin. Because you scrub off the natural sebum layer that protects your face, your skin will only work harder to produce sebum. And that is precisely the main cause of a shiny face.

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Choose the right sunscreen

Your face needs protection from the sun. In the winter you can use a day cream with factor, but in the summer more is needed. Unfortunately, sunscreen is often greasy and that is not good for your shiny forehead. Choose a formula that is not greasy. A sunscreen especially for the face is recommended.

Choose the right day cream

Oily skin also needs cream. It can be quite difficult to find a nourishing cream that won't make your skin shine. Zinc or jojoba oil are fine ingredients of creams for oily skin. If you have combination skin and who suffer from dry cheeks, you could use a slightly oilier cream for the cheeks.

Powder off

With mattifying face powder you achieve the matte look you want to achieve. Put the powder in your handbag to powder your face once during the day.

Blotting papers

Ultimate favorite for glow heads? Blotting papers. They are like little tissue papers that absorb the oily layer of your skin. Convenient to carry with you. An on-the-road solution is to press a toilet paper or paper towel against your face.
