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Time for an effective check-up of your skin type

Spring can't start early enough for many people. The first months of the year are not easy for everyone. The state of your skin says a lot about how you feel. 'Being comfortable in your own skin' is not just a statement, your skin is an important indicator of what is going on in your inner world. When you are tired, your skin becomes pale, gloomy times can have an effect on your complexion and a healthy blush proves that you are active.

Your state of skin

In addition to the small nuances in the daily state of your skin, there are also properties that are visible for a longer period of time and that belong to your skin type. Every skin type has its own characteristics. And while it doesn't change as quickly as your state of mind, your state of skin can also change over time. So check your skin type every now and then so that you can tailor your skin care to it.

Take care of yourSelfie

Nivea developed a handy tool to help you with such a check, the NIVEA Skin With a scan of your selfie, your skin is extensively analyzed and you receive recommendations that match your skin type. If there are certain things you want to tackle, such as blemishes or shiny skin, you can also keep track of your personal progress in a digital skin diary. This way you gain insight into the effect of your skin care from day to day and whether it is achieving the desired results.

The big 5, all skin types in a row

Glossy T-zone, imperfections &dry cheeks?

You probably have combination skin

Combination skin (what's in a name?) is a combination of two skin types; normal to dry skin and oily, impure skin. The skin is sensitive to impurities in the T-zone (forehead, nose &chin) but the cheeks are often dry. The trick is to find the right fluid balance.

Hint: clean your skin thoroughly with lukewarm water before applying any care products and use moisturizing cream regularly.

Tight, itchy feeling and discomfort with temperature differences?

Great chance that you have dry skin

Dry skin has a shortage of moisture and fats, which can sometimes make it feel a bit tight and itchy. Your skin reacts quickly to external influences and can become irritated by, for example, the cold. It is important for your skin type to strengthen the protective barriers of your skin.

Hint: with healthy food you nourish the skin from the inside and with natural oils you help your skin to relax.

Fine pores, pink complexion and few skin problems?

You probably have an average skin type

Your skin can take a lot, even if you occasionally go wrong with your skin care, this does not have to have major consequences for your skin. However, the right care can contribute to making you shine just that little bit more. Because the average skin type also benefits from good hydration and protection against external influences.

Hint: occasionally use a mild scrub to get rid of dead skin cells, that can be just the push to make your skin shine extra.

Glossy skin and enlarged pores?

Your characteristics fit the picture of 'blemished skin'

Impure skin produces more sebum than necessary. Genetic factors, stress and hormonal fluctuations are responsible for this. The result:black dots and pimples. Annoying of course, but with the right care you can restore the natural balance of your skin.

Hint: cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Essential for your skin type is a good daily cleaning and an occasional scrub.

Often red skin that feels tight and itchy?

Typical case of 'sensitive skin'

Sensitive skin reacts faster and more often to external influences such as stress, dry air or UV light. If the skin is out of balance, it can become tight, itchy, dry and red. Your sensitive skin therefore needs extra care to calm down.

Hint: choose perfume-free products, avoid spicy foods and gently pat your skin dry with your towel after showering instead of rubbing hard.