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Coaching:if love was combined with the masculine?

Coaching:if love was combined with the masculine?
With the arrival of the summer season, the desire to meet new people and break up a situation of celibacy becomes omnipresent in our minds.

Sometimes, understanding men , it's like deciphering a language that is unknown to us.
“It drives me crazy” , “I feel like he’s not listening to me” , “He communicates very little” :Love in the opposite sex seems at first glance different from our female perception.
From the good times to the most significant arguments, life as a couple is a great emotional adventure.

“Are men from Mars and women from Venus?”
An exciting popularization that never ceases to be talked about.
But perhaps we should think more simply.
The dream solution would be hidden behind the male figure.
The right approach?
Getting advice from the very subject of our concerns:a guy.
While the Internet has shaken up meetings by digitizing them, while our pace of life is increasingly active &fast, have we Do we really have the opportunity to "fall" on the partner of our ideal and limit the risk of sentimental disappointment?
Specialist in the analysis of male-female relationships, Alexandre Cormont has become one of the Love-Coach experts on the web.

Finding love, a difficult quest?

An observation in 2016 :social ties are more fragile, more distant, a situation due in particular to the emergence of new technologies.
Some people are sometimes frightened or intimidated by the action of approaching a woman or a man they like.
Men court less and women are gaining ground in the relationship of seduction between the two sexes.
Would this harm the understanding between two partners?

Another surprising piece of information caught my attention.
An American study published in the Daily Mail demonstrated that women would be so addicted to their mobile phones that many of them would even use it during sex

The man would therefore lose his favorite place in front of the Smartphone which steals the show, and even in bed!
Indeed, 12% women aged between 18 and 35 use their cellphones while having sex (source Meredith Parents Network ).
Yes, love today is no longer the sweet dream we had in mind.
One thing is certain:communication remains primordial between two loving beings.

Gentlemen, to your feathers!

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