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How to tan without sunburn? Veld's tips

It's summer ! Whether you are on vacation or taking advantage of the weekends to get away from it all, vigilance is essential when you expose yourself to the sun. The ultraviolet rays it emits accelerate skin aging, but above all, they can cause sunburn and deep burns. So how do you enjoy the sun without danger? How to tan without sunburn? Veld's gives you advice on how to make the most of sunny days.

Tanning, how does it work?

Tanning without sunburn , yes, but we still need to understand how a sunburn occurs. When the skin is exposed to the sun, the ultraviolet rays it emits attack it. The skin then reacts to defend itself:it thickens, before taking on a darker shade, under the action of melanin. Melanin is a pigment naturally present in our skin, which partially absorbs ultraviolet rays. It's a bit our anti-UV shield .

Only, we are not all endowed with the same shield:some skins are naturally rich in melanin and protect themselves very effectively from the sun. They have better resistance to the sun. Other skins have little melanin in the skin, and react very quickly to the effects of the sun.

What are the risks of exposure to the sun without protection?

If the sun is our friend when it brightens our days, and gives our skin a tanned complexion quickly, it can also present risks. First, the sun triggers a reaction called “photo-induced skin aging ". Without protection, UVA rays can penetrate deep into the skin and irreversibly alter its cellular functioning. This will deepen the signs of aging and lead to premature skin aging, but more importantly, in the most severe cases, it can lead to skin cancer.

Of course, the most well-known and common effect of the sun on the skin is sunburn. This is a burn caused by the combination of UVA and UVB . Concretely, if the skin tans too strongly or too quickly, it ends up burning. A sunburn can be relatively mild and heal in a week, or it can turn into a deep burn that takes months to heal. It is therefore better to take the lead and protect yourself, to tan without sunburn.

How to tan without sunburn?

Tanning without danger thanks to the right sun care

All skin types are different, and to tan without danger , it is necessary to equip yourself with a sunscreen adapted to your skin type. For dry or sensitive skin, there are gentle and nourishing formulas, especially in oil form. On the UV index side, it is advisable to use an index of 50 in fair-skinned people . At the end of the vacation, once the skin is tanned and has been exposed several times, you can possibly pass on an index 30.

For so-called "intermediate" skin, i.e. beige to slightly matte, an index of 30 may be sufficient . If you expose yourself for a long time or intensely, possibly switch to an index 50. Similarly, if you notice that your skin is particularly red or sensitive in certain areas, use an index 50 cream until it settles. For matte to dark skin, an index of 30 is generally sufficient, or even 15 at the end of summer. Please note that for sunscreen to be effective, it must be applied in thick layers, with touch-ups every two hours .

These recommendations are valid for the body, but also for the face. We would do well without a sunburn on the nose, or having to deepen the expression lines. For those who are already tanned or who do not need a high index, our Flash Protect face care combines protection against UV rays and primer , to be made up and protected in one gesture!

Choose the right time to tan without burning

To tan without burning , you have to choose the right time of day to expose yourself. Avoid going out when the sun is at its zenith, that is to say between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. Especially if you go to the beach or the swimming pool, because the water has a mirror effect, and the skin receives a large amount of UV rays.

Prefer "swimming and sunbathing" sessions in the morning, in the afternoon from 4 p.m., or to be even quieter, in the evening. Choosing the right time should allow you to tan without sunburn , and especially to enjoy a swimming pool or a quieter beach!

Avoid exposures that are too long

Several aspects come into play to cause sunburn. The intensity of the rays at the time of exposure, the fact of protecting the skin or not, and the duration of the exposure. Indeed, the skin, when exposed to the sun, ends up getting tired. This happens on average after half an hour to an hour of exposure, depending on the circumstances in which you expose yourself and your skin type. When the skin is tired of fighting UV rays, sunburn can quickly happen .

It is therefore better to expose yourself to small doses, and between each exposure, leave at least two hours for the skin to recover and regain strength. It will thus be able, at the next exhibition, to play its role of anti-UV barrier more vigorously.

Allow time for the skin to regenerate

Taking small breaks between each exposure is necessary, but you need real downtime regularly. After a day of sunny walks, take a nice cool shower. When you get out of the shower, apply an after-sun care , or a nourishing cream. This is also valid for the face:clean it with cool water, then apply a deeply moisturizing cream . The ideal partner for your holidays, our Age 2O deep hydration cream intensely moisturizes the skin, while fighting against the signs of aging which can be increased tenfold by UVA rays.

Once hydrated, let your skin regenerate overnight. If you can, go a day once in a while without exposure , or only in the shade, to preserve the skin. Between the sun, the sand, the irritations due to perspiration, and waxing, it is very roughed up during the summer. It therefore needs moments to breathe fully.

As you will have understood, tanning without sunburn is easy, provided you adopt the right reflexes and expose yourself in a reasoned way. Haven't gone on vacation yet? Know that the skin supports exposure to the sun much better if it has been prepared beforehand. Discover all our tips for properly preparing your skin for the sun.